March 31, 2009

4 The Parks!

We don't want people to forget about the other local campaigns taking place!

Above, courtesy of a Park Board candidate, is campaign material related to the "4 The Parks" slate. The PRU Crew likes slates of candidates about as much as we like Mayor Howard, which is not even a little.

The way candidates choose to conduct their runs for office is their choice to make. And voters get to make their choice by casting votes for or against individual candidates.

When it comes to the "4 The Parks" slate, the Crew will be casting unanimous votes, next Tuesday, April 7th, in favor of Mr. Rick Biagi and Mr. Scott Duerkop. There is mixed opinion on the candidacies of Mr. Nick Milissis and Mr. Pawel Matula.

Mr. Milissis' record of attendance at meetings isn't impressive, and we do not know enough about Mr. Matula to recommend a vote for or against him. The same can be said for Mr. Steven Vile, a candidate who seems to be running independently from any slate or group affiliation.

However, we will say that not a single member of the Crew will be voting for Mr. Richard Brandt, the lone surviving candidate being backed by the SEIU (Service Employees International Union - Local 73).

The PRU Crew thinks unions are a very good thing -- when they do what they are supposed to do for their membership, which is knock heads against the administration of any given governing body, to try and get as much in the way of salary and benefits for their union membership as can be had.

The PRU Crew also thinks governing bodies are a very good thing -- when they do what they are supposed to do for the taxpayers they represent, which is knock heads with the employees and union membership they oversee, to try and keep costs to taxpayers reasonable and spending in check.

Their is a necessary and constructive adversarial tension between the two. When everyone acts like adults, the tension and adversarial points of view can be rough and hard-driving, but nevertheless productive.

The PRU Crew feels that seating Mr. Richard Brandt, who is being heavily backed by a union that is in a necessarily adversarial position against the governing body he is looking to serve on, is a mistake. To use an over-worked phrase, we feel it is akin to putting a fox inside the hen house. We sincerely believe that Mr. Brandt would not be able to set aside his allegiance to his union backers and independently make decisions on behalf of the taxpayers.

For this reason we strongly urge voters to reject Mr. Richard Brandt for a seat on the Park Ridge Park District Board. We also don't like all his damn campaign signs stuck all over the public parkways.


Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing about Milissis from the Republican Women's "meet the candidates" a few weeks ago. He got up, didn't introduce himself...not many people knew his name. I think he "assumed" everyone knew who he was.
We had to ask one of our hosts from the Republican Women's group who it was.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure yet exactly how I will vote in this race.

I appreciate the PRUs opinion here.

I agree that electing Brandt is a bad idea and would be exactly like putting the fox in the hen house.

Rick Biagi said...

PRU - Thanks very much for the vote of confidence. I am truly humbled by the support I have been given by friends and fellow citizens during this election cycle.

I happily remain open to answer any questions people may have of my candidacy for Park Board.

VotingForSchmidt said...

Hey hey, ho ho

Classless bastards have got to go!

Ho Ho, hey hey

No more of Frimark's Pay-to-Play!

Hey hey, ha ha

Take back our town on election day!

Ha Ha, hey hey

Let's all make Frimark go away!

Anonymous said...

Milissis is a Frimark toady who Howard has appointed to at least one (or two) City commissions to give him some exposure for what is likely to be his annointing to fill the 2nd ward aldermanic seat of DiPietro, if that old foul ball finally packs it in.

I hear that this ticket - including Biagi, who seems like a decent guy - is also backed by Bob Dudzyc and Dick Barton, two more Frimark buddies, so if this ticket wins the Park Board might also be moving into pay-to-play territory.

KaiserSosay said...

The Park Board will not be moving into pay to play, regardless of how this election turns out.

Barton's "reach" is overstated here, once he's gone from the Park Board, he will quickly be forgotten.

Rick Biagi said...

I would like to address the alleged Barton-Dudycz connection to the 4 The Parks slate of candidates, if I may.

I decided to throw my hat in the ring in this election because I was very concerned about the SEIU taking over control of our Park District. I am the father of four young kids (soon to be five). My entire family uses Park District programs and facilities on a regular basis. I want to make sure that we continue to have nice facilities and good programs at a reasonable price for everyone in our town. I am a fiscal (and social) conservative and I believe strongly that elected officials have a profound duty to the taxpayers to be good stewards of taxpayer money. I want to see the Park District thrive with the money they already have allocated to them. I would also like to see the Park District come up with some unique ways of increasing revenue (for example, by increasing sponsorship opportunities) without going to the taxpayers or to the users for increased fees.

Let me assure you that the Park District Board is not a stepping stone position for me. I have no aspirations to run for higher office. I simply want to see the Park District continue to be a source of pride and enjoyment for our community.

Dick Barton is a fellow member in the Knights of Columbus with me and I have used his firm for some PR work for my own law firm. I have known Dick for probably 5 years and count him as a good friend. When I first thought about running for the Board, I contacted Dick to get his thoughts. Dick was excited to hear that I was contemplating running and promised to support me in any way he could. I also know Steve Hunst from my regular workouts at the Community Center and Steve also offered his complete support. Before I knew it, I had the support and backing of Sal Raspanti, Marty Maloney, and Nick Milissis.

Soon thereafter, Dick offered to help me with compiling my candidacy paperwork and also enlisted the help of Bob Dudycz to review my paperwork to insure that it contained no errors.

I have given no money to Dick Barton (other than a check for $50.00 to cover the fees he incurred when we used his UPS Store account to allow my petition circulators to get their forms notarized) or to Bob Dudycz.

I have not asked for any campaign contributions nor do I intend to solicit any.

Because I was originally facing the prospect of four candidates backed by the SEIU, I thought it might be wise to meet some of the other candidates and see if any of us were like-minded in our views of the Park District. I met Nick Milissis, Pawel Matula and Scott Duerkop shortly after filing my paperwork and came to the conclusion that we all had much to gain by pooling our financial resources together to challenge the SEIU. The four of us have formed an “alliance” so that we can share the costs of brochures, yard signs and other such materials. Let me assure you that there is no other hidden agenda or quid pro quo at work.

Dick has offered his ongoing help with our “alliance” by giving us some campaign advice and helping us with putting our brochures together. We are not paying Dick any money to provide his advice or assistance. Also, I can unconditionally state that I have no political connections to Dick Barton or Bob Dudycz nor am I connected in any way politically to Mayor Frimark.

I hope that this answers the questions regarding my ties, or lack thereof, to Messrs. Barton and Dudycz.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Biagi-thanks for the note. Too bad you got in touch with Dick Barton. He has been known to use his political positions to advance his own personal business/gain. Thankfully Barton is going off the board. If you are elected-do not use Mr. Barton's firm for any work for the PRPD. His past actions and lack of disclosure on his relationship to Green Transportation Solutions have proven he is a bit lacking in the ethics area.

As for Milissis-try reminding him when the meetings are held so he actually shows up. I won't be voting for him-but if is elected he may want to work on his people skills.

It is too bad Steve Hunst chose not to run again. He seemed to be one of the only fiscally responsible members of the current board and was highly criticized for it by other board members. He had no personal agenda and he chose to put fiscal responsibility as a priority in his work on the board. Thanks for your service to the PRPD, Steve. Sorry to see you go.

Alderman Dave said...

At the risk of Howard publicizing that I write on the "evil blogs," I urge those of you who support me to vote for Rick Biagi as well. He is a good honest guy who will do a great job for the residents and taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Frimark would focus on the "evil blogs", Alderman Dave, while our town is flooding. Again.
Although, judging from past experience, I think he's more interested in his own contributors than the citizens of Park Ridge.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 3:13:

Mr. Hunst had a big personal agenda, that he brought with him to his time on the board.

Don't be fooled into thinking otherwise.

Good riddance to him.

Anonymous said...

What was Steve Hunst's "big personal agenda"?

Anonymous said...

"Come into my parlor" said the Barton to the Biagi.

You seem like a nice, gullible guy, Mr. Biagi. Just keep telling yourself that Barton (and Dudycz, and Milissis) will expect nothing of you when this is over - you'll never know what hit you.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

We're pretty sure that with the passage of a very little time, Mr. Biagi will learn and be able to fend for himself just fine.

Our concern, if any, is for Mr. Duerkop, an equally ethical, nice, but gullible guy.

Anonymous said...

So why is the SIEU so bad?

Anonymous said...

Anon at 4:07: What personal agenda?! He has no kids so he was not pushing soccer or baseball or football, etc. He is a regularly user of the community center and decided to run for the board when the PRPD board 3+ years back completely overhauled the membership categories and fees to members which resulted in some membership fees going up 300% without any corresponding increase or betterment to the facility. Before he got on the board, there was no reserve fund to access for emergency funding needs, like roof repairs. He felt employee raises should be inline with COLA and inflation and not be ridiculously high. He required that the PRPD go out for bids when contracting for work-something that had not always been done before. He appreciated that the funding for the PRPD comes from the taxpayers through our taxes and user fees and wanted to be fiscally responsible. These are just a few items-so where is the personaly agenda in that? The taxpayers of PR will be worse off without his knowledge and unbiased position on addressing issues.

Anonymous said...

He gets my vote

Anonymous said...

"I have known Dick for probably 5 years and count him as a good friend."

Strike one, two and three. Barton and Frimark are two peas in a pod. As they say, birds of feather .

Anonymous said...

Dick Barton is a filthy creep. Howard Frimark makes Dick Barton look like a saint.

Rick Biagi said...

I'm not here to defend Dick Barton or my relationship with him. I fully understand that people have a concern with some things that have allegedly occurred in the past and as a result of my "connection" to Dick, I am now apparently guilty by association.

I'll just leave it at this...

The only dog I have in this race is trying to make sure that the Park District makes the best use of taxpayer dollars and that we continue to have nice facilities and good programs for the people of Park Ridge.

I do not own a business that will in any way benefit from me being on the board; I will not move up in my career for having served on the Board; and I have no interest in running for higher office.

Frankly, with trying to run a business and raising a family, the last thing I need is to sign on for more...but I am quite passionate about fiscal responsibility in our government and I want to see our Park District thrive, so that my kids and everyone else in this town can have a nice place to swim, exercise, play, picnic and learn.

There is really nothing more I can say...that's me...take it or leave it.

anony-mouse said...

Mr. Biagi, you have the support of a lot of people. But be careful, Frimark is going to label you a member of the "evil blogs". It makes me wonder how he knows who is posting on the blogs. BECAUSE HE IS READING????!!!!!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

"I'm not here to defend Dick Barton or my relationship with him. I fully understand that people have a concern with some things that have allegedly occurred in the past--"


Hard to walk that fine line sometimes, isn't it.

Keep your nose clean.

We're keeping the faith.

Anonymous said...

Biagi and Barton. Hmmmm.... reminds me of the one about Obama "starting his political career in Bill Ayers living room".

Issues people, issues!!!!!!