March 10, 2009

Are You Paying Attention?

As one of the Crew's grandmothers used to say, after having lived through the Great Depression, "If you watch the pennies, the dollars take care of themselves."

But that was then, and this is now. And it
costs the U.S. Mint more to produce a penny than the one-cent value of a one-cent piece.

So the PRU Crew is interested in watching dollars today. We would also like our elected officials to do the same.

In just five days, the Park Ridge City Council will meet in their annual budget workshop (.pdf). We are hoping our elected officials do not give in to the temptation of political appeal, and show themselves willing to make the hard sacrifices that may help carry this town through what will probably be a very rough economic year.

We are aware that City Manager Jim Hock has suggested some deep cuts. The PRU Crew would suggest the cuts be made deeper.

As distasteful as it may be to certain special interests in the community, we would suggest that any program that is not essential to city functioning and citizen welfare be cut to the bone. And whether we like it or not, we also suggest that it is radically irresponsible to renew, for any reason, the soon to be retiring Public Works Service Center and Alley Paving bonds, which have cost the Park Ridge taxpayers roughly $1,200,000.00 per year in debt service payments.

Current estimates for next year's city budget indicate that again the city will be operating under a wave of red ink -- approaching $2,000,000.00

Are you paying attention?


Anonymous said...

I might go into the T-shirt printing business.

Front: 'I voted for Howard Frimark and all I got was this lousy city government.'

Back: 'This T-shirt will be taken from my back and given to city government in lieu of my ability to pay my increasing tax bills.'

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to hearing the candidates discuss things at the upcoming debates.

Frimark's website says the next event is the Journal and Topics debate.

Does that mean Frimark is refusing to go to the League of Women Voters, Chamber of Commerce, and Republican Women's debates like he did with the CURRB forum?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:02 --

We just took a look and you're right about Mayor Howard's website.

We don't think it means Mayor Howard isn't going to show up for the debates. We think it means he's got a sloppy web master working for him.

Anonymous said...

Check your property values on My house is down 18% in the past year. Time to appeal my property tax.

Anonymous said...

Property taxes are going to skyrocket to pay for protection from the casino, and property value will plunge because as everyone knows- a casino is not neighborhood friendly. Des Plaines is happy to dump it on "snobby" Pk.Ridge,while reaping the benefits of lower taxes. Des plaines made sure their residents will not be affected and left the security risks and property devaluation on our doorstep.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 1:32-

Great idea! Howard's supporters love wearing specially printed T-shirts to City Council meetings.

Anonymous said...

"you turned your backs on us,
now we turn our backs on you."
-- purple ribbon t-shirt campaign,
spring 2005

what a difference 4 years makes!

People, we told you so. And we truly wish we didn't have to say we told you so. Next time somebody tries to scare you out of your own good sense by invoking the dreaded "D" word (Democrat), at least take a deep breath before you reflexively vote for whomever they tell you to.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes...those dirty dems! I wish I could say there was and is a clear distinction between the two parties on fiscal policy...but alas...I recall a number of dems and republicans alike voting for increased and, in my opinion, irresponsible spending of all every level of government...because "I'll vote for yours, if you vote for mine" is more than most pork-tastic politicians can back away from...

However...what a lovely election this little mayoral race could prove to be...two devoted and avowed Republicans running in a "non-partisan" municipal election...

What a dilemma!

What WILL those intellectually lazy partisan voters do?

One can only hope. hope is all voters might actually pay attention to the issues our community is facing, and the policy positions of each candidate...and ask themselves, who is and who is not a true fiscal conservative...who has and who has not demonstrated his conerns for the people of Park Ridge first, above all else...

...then I hope the special-interest spend-thrift gets a kick in the pants, right out of office...

Anonymous said...

Deep cuts!!!!

- Pull the city cars.

- Reduce salaries from the top down.

- Pull the city credit cards.

- Pull all non emergency vehicles.

- Hold off on any police station.

- Cut personnel not needed.

- No money for Bill Napleton.

- No buyouts!

- No OT pay for any dept.

- Hold off on any training.

That's a start!!

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you PRU. I just looked again and whoever is in charge of Frimark's website has fixed the debate event.

I was really starting to wonder just how far Frimark would go to get out of facing public debates!

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Schmidt said if he is elected mayor that he will waive his salary for the first year? That doesn't seem to be the norm in Park Ridge. Maybe I am wrong.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@9:06 --

It is true. The Schmidt campaign sent a relaase to the press, and the PRU Crew got one too.

March 2, 2009

Park Ridge mayoral candidate, Dave Schmidt, announced that he will forego his salary as mayor for the upcoming fiscal year if he is elected in April. In making his announcement, Schmidt stated, "although the salary is only $12,000, because the mayor's job is a part-time position, I felt it was important to send a message to the City staff and the residents that the City must tighten its belt instead of raising property taxes yet again, and I am willing to be part of that effort. We are facing a fiscal crisis, and we must cut spending anywhere and everywhere we can."

Schmidt also said he will ask City Manager, Jim Hock, to submit a budget plan which calls for no new taxes or fees. "Residents are hurting, especially after the last dramatic property tax increase," said Schmidt, "and it is unfair and unwise to burden the taxpayers any further until we have cut every possible bit of unnecessary spending from the upcoming budget."

Anonymous said...

I think that the city needs to think of itself like a household. When times are tough, cut the fat.

It is simple, it's WANTS v. NEEDS.
I want a shiney new car, but I need to keep the mini-van running for one more year.

Back to the basics. Nice streets, good sewers, trimmed trees, salted strees and good 'ol fashoned neighborhood conversation. Ahhhhh doesn't that sound nice?

Anonymous said...

It seems Hock as turned into Howards lap dog. What a disappointment. When Frimark loses, (hopefully), maybe Hock can be replaced.

Ryan announced last night he will not run again!

Perhaps there is hope!

Anonymous said...

Specialty T-shirts for Howard !!

Gee....I wounder if Howie has socks
to match? What about that Florida hat too?

Leave the speedo at home Howie!!

I don't think so...........even if it does say LGH on it!

Anonymous said...

why do some lawn signs say "Frimark/Henneman"? Do they run together? If so, who is running with Schmidt?

Anonymous said...

Schmidt is running with the residents.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Run Forest, Run!

Anonymous said...

The Emperor has no clothes!!
Stay tuned for the sequel...

"Howie and his band of merry men -
in tights" !!

Anonymous said...

Talk about a politician. Frimark is trying to ride on Betty Henneman's coat-tails because she's running unopposed. Let's hope Betty gets few votes, and Howard even less.

Anonymous said...

What a circus jerkus tonight's debates were.

Someone get Howie some "Q" cards
or a reader or a wooden dumbie to speak for him......plz!

Enough Howie....your nose is two inches longer...