June 2, 2009

A Not So Quickie Council Roundup!

Last night's City Council meeting may have been a short affair, but it wasn't all that sweet.

The bulk of discussion occurred under the Mayor's report. After Mayor Schmidtzkrieg read 2 proclamations and 1 resolution, he then introduced the new CEO of Lutheran General Hospital, Mr. David Stark. Mr. Stark made some nice comments about both the hospital and Park Ridge.

Mayor Schmidtzkrieg then moved on to reading his memo regarding the appointment of Mr. Joseph Sweeney to fill out the remainder of the term for 1st ward Alderman. The City Attorney Buzz Hill said the Council must act on the appointment within 30 days. Fourth ward Ald. James Allspaghetti asked when "30 days" began. Mr. Hill answered, "30 days begins now."

Mayor Schmidtzkrieg then read his memo detailing his reasons for vetoing the Council's spending amendment for community groups -- reiterating the City's financial crisis and warning the Council that he would veto every amendment to the City budget for increased, non-emergency spending if such an amendment was not accompanied by a commensurate revenue stream or expenditure cut.

The City attorney said that both State law and our local ordinances are "effective to make this veto" and that the matter will "appear for reconsideration at the next City Council meeting."

Mr. Hill also offered that there seemed to be a conflict between the language of the "3 P" manual -- the City's manual of "Practices, Procedure and Policy" -- which indicates a veto may be overridden by a vote of 5 Aldermen, while the municipal code indicates a veto may be overridden by a vote of 2/3 of the Aldermen "holding office." Mr. Hill indicated that he strongly believes "the latter applies" and is consistent with State statute.

The 2nd ward's Lord of the Manor, Rich DiPietro then asked if the "official notification begins tonight" for the veto. Mr. Hill indicated yes it did and that the matter "must be acted upon at the next meeting."

Next up, Mayor Schmidtzkrieg indicated that the City Attorney is still figuring out how the Mayor can give back his salary to the City. In the mean time, Mayor Schmidtzkrieg has received his first mayoral paycheck and is going to be purchasing a video camera for that City so that meetings can be taped and then uploaded for viewing on the City website. This drew applause from audience members in attendance.

In other Mayoral news, Schmidtzkrieg indicated that former Public Works Director Joe Saccomanno has agreed to chair the Mayor's Flood Control Task Force, and Mayor Schmidtzkrieg has attended two ribbon cuttings for the opening of the new Dominic's Kitchen Store and Amphora Spa.

Our sources tell us Mayor Schmidtzkrieg then seemed to jokingly state that he has unilaterally decided to extend the Shop Park Ridge effort for another 30 days. In a more serious tone, Mayor Schmidtzkrieg then added that it is important to show prospective businesses that businesses already here in town are successful.

Benedict Alderman Ryan discussed the number of complaints he's received regarding neglected properties, especially the Napleton properties. Ryan indicated that he'd talked to the property manager but had not gotten any reasonable response and he wanted to know "what can we do?" The PRU Crew is wondering if Benedict Ryan has bothered to also contact Norwood builders about the unsightly condition of the Executive Office Plaza?

Ms. Carrie Davis, Director for Community Preservation and Development, said that the 2 Health Dept. officers the City has to rely on are trying to do their best and that the City sends out notices of violation. Ald. Ryan pressed on wanting to know what the City can do. Ms. Davis finally stated that the City can take action to remedy problems for neglected properties , issue fines, and place liens on properties of owners who are non-complaint.

The Mayor then asked about the vacant houses in the planned but as yet un-built Heinz development on Northwest Hwy. at Greenwood. Ms. Davis said the City is "tracking those properties." Schmidtzkrieg pressed on, asking if the development is moving forward. Ms. Davis said she didn't know, but her opinion is that the plan probably wouldn't move forward, and that "July is the time limit for the Heinz development."

City Manager Jim Hock's report included, in addition to closed session requests, his taking the opportunity to remind everyone about the property maintenance code and that the City is attempting to enforce the provisions in the code. Mr. Hock also said that the City appreciates anyone with a complaint or information forwarding it to the City for action.

Mr. Hock also responded to an earlier request from the Mayor asking what kind of percentage water rate increase would be needed to "get rid of" the deficit in the water fund. Mr. Hock said the water rate would have to be increased another 7% -- an average of $27 per homeowner -- to alleviate the projected water fund deficit. Mayor Schmidtzkrieg thanked Mr. Hock for the information and then urged the Council to do exactly that.

Under "Citizens Wishing To Address The City Council On A Non-Agenda Item", the Director of the Center of Concern, Mr. Mary Shurder asked about the Mayor's veto and the effect it would have on the funding for community groups, asking if it meant "starting over again?" The Mayor responded, "No, if the veto is upheld it would get the City back to the funding level passed in the April budget." The Mayor also said there is the possibility that Alderman DiPietro's "alternative plan", which reduces funding to groups not providing for human needs could also be considered." Ms. Shurder then reiterated her understanding that the veto is merely a veto of the change, not elimination of funding for community groups.

Under New Business, the 6th ward's Unfriendly Ghost Tom Carey said he was concerned with a lack of communication from the Mayor with the Council on such things as appointment of a replacement 1st ward Alderman, wondering how it is that the Mayor can name people to a flood control task force and to whom does the task force report, and the video taping of Council meetings. The Unfriendly Ghost indicated he had hoped for a "more collaborative effort."

The Mayor indicated that he had widely publicized the flood control task force and had not been keeping that secret, and he didn't believe there would be a cost to video taping the Council meetings but if there was he would certainly inform the Council. The Mayor also repeated that 2 years ago every member of the Council, except one, had agreed that video taping Council meetings was a good idea. The Mayor then asked Ald. Carey if he now thought video taping Council meetings wasn't a good idea. The Unfriendly Ghost said he, "didn't have an opinion at this time."

The PRU Crew is wondering if the Unfriendly Ghost has forgotten the things he has previously voted for -- like giving the Mayor appointment powers?

Alderman Don Bachtard (3rd ward) asked the City Attorney if video taping Council meetings required Council action. Mr. Hill said, "No, it would not. The City Council can voice their objection but the law allows the video taping of open meetings."

Ald. Allspaghetti asked if there would be "staff time devoted to getting video online?" Mayor Schmidtzkrieg said he believes the process is simple and shouldn't involve any lengthy staff time.

Ald. Frank Wsooooolman (7th ward) thanked City Engineer Sarah Mitchell for her work in putting together the contract for Council approval for the water main projects.

The last bit of Council fun then came with Benedict Ald. Ryan's saying they are all "getting used to the transparency thing." He wanted to know how the process worked for selecting the Mayor's appointment for a 1st ward Alderman, and he said he wanted to see the resumes of the other candidates. Mayor Schmidtzkrieg said he would see to it that the resumes were provided to any interested Aldermen. When the Aldermen were asked who was interested, only Benedict Ryan and Allspaghetti said they are.

Benedict Ryan then said he believed Ald. Allspaghetti went through a similar situation, at which time Ald. Allspaghetti began to detail a "vetting process" distinctly different from the actual vetting process he, himself, went through -- completely failing to remember that until former Mayor Howard named him as his replacement, Allspaghetti was not vetted by the City Council.

The Lord of the Manor, Ald. DiPietro said as much and asked that the City Council minutes for the appointment of Allspaghetti to the Council be provided to the current Aldermen.

The Council then adjourned to closed session to discuss personnel matters -- collective bargaining issues and hiring.

The PRU Crew feels the compromise being struck on personnel wage issues is a workable solution to some of the City's current fiscal problems, and we are reservedly pleased with what we hear about the new Chief of Police.

Welcome aboard the crazy train, Chief K.

Update -- Here's the formal announcement about the new Park Ridge Chief of Police.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'm thinking the aldermorons are getting worried...

gypsy said...

sounds like the aldermen are doing everything they can to go against the flow with the new mayor. Too bad that (once again) they are not interested in doing what is BEST for the City of Park Ridge and its residents.

Just arguing for the sake of having an argument is ridiculous and a waste of time.

And seriously, Allegretti, your babbling like the village idiot was more than amusing.

Step up, boys. There's lots to do and you are dancing around like you don't have a care in the world.

Anonymous said...

Good going, Mayor Dave! Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

PRU, why are you being secretive about who the new police chief is going to be? Give us the name! Has the Crew gotten all spy vs. spy since Mayor Dave got elected?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@3:24 --

We aren't being secretive. There are plenty of people who know who the new Chief of Police is going to be -- including the City Manager who selected him.

PRU.ADMIN feels the privilege of a formal announcement belongs to the City Manager -- who, as far as we can tell, has conducted a fair and unbiased search process -- and PRU.ADMIN will not allow us to publish the name.

Anonymous said...

Allegretti may have babbled like the village idiot, but even HE could not outdue the biggest idiot of them all....Ryan the red nosed moron, had a very outta joint nose...

Anonymous said...

Ryan is a moron. Note to Aldermoron Ryan, you aren't a resident of the first ward. You don't get to pick the replacement. You can only cast a vote for or against the appointment. The residents of the first ward get to pick and the Mayor gets to name the appointment. Unless you can come up with some big time clear and convincing reason why the first ward resident's choice and the Mayor's choice doesn't deserve your consent then you vote to consent to the appointment.

Anonymous said...

I like the process you outlined. Can we apply it to Supreme Court nominations??

Bean said...

Surely Ryan is a moron...as he's repeatedly provided evidence for that assessment.

In the case of selecting a new first ward alderman, I'm guessing Ryan is simply suffering a case of "old HOs of a feather wanting to flock together"...

Don't worry Bobby...I'm sure Mr. John English will get his "new political committee", of all the old neo-HOs, to back a candidate more to your liking in the next election cycle...

Anonymous said...

Bean, are you referring to the new Citizens for Non-Partisan Local Elections, which received $15,000 from the dormant Homeowners campaign treasury?

Anonymous said...

Will Roger Crawford be one of those "non-partisan"s? How about John Kerin and Steve Huening?

Bean said...

Anonymous at 538,

I surely am...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:41,

Aren't those two guys the ones who ran the council reduction referendum?

Thanks for nothing!

Rorschach said...

Rorschach wishes Ald. Ryan would step down.

Anonymous said...

I believe that most of the signatures required to get the question on the ballot in regards to the reduction of alderman on the city council were obtained by Amy Sullivan. Amy is the wife of Sean Sullivan, both former Park Ridge Jaycee's along with Frimark, Huening and Kerin.

Anonymous said...

Who was involved in getting the Aldermoron Ryan elected? Wasn't it Owen Hayes and Carol Longman? Does anyone know who else? Wasn't his campaign also run with the school referendum? Alot of good it did to increase our taxes for the benefit of programs when the money was actually used to hire more administration!

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@9:38 --

Mr. Gary Zimmerman was Benedict Ryan's campaign chairman. Mr. Owen Hayes was Benedict Ryan's treasurer, which the Crew finds laughable in light of what we know of Mr. Hayes' reputation for honesty.

Anonymous said...

I wish Ryan would do us all a favor and just step down. As a 5th ward resident, I do not want him to represent me for 2 more years, nor do I know anyone who does.

Anonymous said...

Your mean Ald. Ryan..the queen of vowels..............is leaving after his term is up?