February 27, 2008

Come On Down!

Park Board Commissioner, Dick Barton

The Park Ridge Park Board has appointed Nicholas Milissis to join their fun! We hear Mr. Milissis was the early favorite of Park Board Commissioner, and Frimark pal, Dick "Cones" Barton. Mr. Milissis will serve out the remaining term of former Park Board Commissioner, Terry Majewski, who resigned earlier this year.

According to an IPO*
article, Mr. Milissis was honored by the Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD) in 2005 as a "Notable Board Member" while he served the Golf Maine Park District; reportedly a position he was also appointed to**. What did the IAPD find "notable" about Mr. Milissis? According to the IAPD...

The IAPD Board Member Development Program gives recognition to local board members who consistently go above and beyond the call of duty through committee involvement, attendance at continuing educational opportunities and achievements at the local, state and national levels.

The program tracks board members' accomplishments obtained during terms on their local boards. Participants accumulate "Board Development Units" (BDUs) yearly from October 1 to September 30 for park district, forest preserve, conservation and recreation-related activities in which they have participated. Notable Board Members have accumulated 100 units. Distinctive Board Members have accumulated 400 units, and Master Board Members have accumulated 750 units. Master Board Members retain their status through the accumulation of retention units each year.

Translation = pay the registration fee, attend the meetings, nod appropriately, tell us how terrific our program is, and we'll give you an award.

We do hear Mr. Milissis does have experience in working with grants for the construction of recreation facilities.

And he has been a faithful associate of Mark Thompson, Maine Township Republican Committeeman. Undoubtedly, Mr. Milissis has learned to accumulate the necessary awards and certificates so as to avoid another exasperating experience like the one he endured when he attempted to run for
Maine Township assessor. Judges can be very persnickety about the law.

Mr. Milissis is considered a fiscal conservative by those who know him. That characterization may bode well for taxpayer's the next time the Park Ridge Park District Board considers its budget; especially when they are considering
budgeting for "social welfare" programs. (Make sure to read the comments)

Some of you may recognize the name of Nicholas Milissis from his more recent activities. Just five months ago the Park Ridge
City Council approved the appointment of Mr. Milissis (.pdf) to both the city's Civil Service Commission and the Fair Housing Commission.

It looks like that public service resume is getting thicker and thicker. All that public service experience may come in handy if the rumors of Mr. Milissis' future run for 2nd Ward Alderman in Park Ridge comes to pass.

Welcome to another appointed position, Mr. Milissis. And thank you for your public service -- we hope we won't have to take that back.

Illinois Periodicals Online (IPO) is a digital imaging project at the Northern Illinois University Libraries funded by the Illinois State Library

According to a blog comment left by Mr. Milissis, he ran unopposed -- he was not appointed to his position with the Golf Maine Park District. We regret the error in reporting and wish Mr. Milissis well.


Anonymous said...

I'm honored to have made it on PRU's radar. Mostly because I am a regular reader of your post. I welcome public scrutiny and very much believe in it. The only beef I have is that you guys are the only show in town. There should be more people with your energy covering differing opinions. But that's not really your fault. In my PRU "inagural" posting I want to address some of the issues you brought up regarding me and my resume. You are correct, the Notable Board Member designation by the IAPD ultimately amounts to a resume flourish. However, I do not list it with the intention to mislead. It is something I have achieved by puting in the extra time and energy to do it. This is a board development program by the association, kind of a continuing education program for board members to make them better park commissioners. All it takes is additional time and energy in addition to the time you're already volunteering as a board member. As you know all of the offices I have been apointed to pay a grand total of $0. A correction. I was not appointed to the Golf Maine Park Distrcit Board. I ran in an election which happened to be unnoposed. At the time I filed my candidacy I did not know whether anyone else would run. So the only people that appointed me to that position were the voters of my then district and perhaps others apathy who didn't want to bother running for the position. Yes I am a joiner and a participant by nature. Is that a fault? My family would argue that it is. Especially when I have to cut our family dinners short to attend meetings and try to contribute my two cents in processes that ultimately will affect me and all of us. I encourage all of the readers of this post, who have already displayed an interest in their government and its doings by taking the time to read this, to take the next step and run for an office or seek apointment to a city commission. Apathy leads to abuse. I will close with an apology for the long posting and my favorite latin saying: Acta non Verba-Acts, not words.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the swim in your new Oakton pool boys and girls! Its going to cost you anyway you look at it.

That board refuses to given up when it comes to our wallets.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Getting appointed to gov't positions is a lot more attractive than having to actually run for office. Just ask Tony Rezko, Stu Levine, Scott Fawell, Gov. Blagojevich and fmr Gov. Ryan. Or Ald. Allegretti, who had no desire to run for alderman in April 2005 but sure wanted the appointment to alderman in June of that year.

And those public sector professional association awards and honors are just fluff.

Anonymous said...

perhaps you can figure out how to "woo" back all the residents who have cancelled their memberships to the Community Center.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick,

First question is what do mean by “the only show in town”? What about The Park Ridge Herald Advocate, The Journal, The Bugle or www.publicwatchdog.org? I guess it’s easy to ignore those when you want to start spinning right out of the box.

Second, “when I have to cut our family dinners short to attend meetings and try to contribute my two cents in processes” give me a break. If you can’t do it right then don’t do it. There were several other candidates there ready to take the position. If your time is so limited, do us all a favor and bow out. We are already unrepresented by City Council members who never show up.

Finally, many people have “stepped forward” including the eight others for the position you applied for. The problem is the only ones ever really considered are the insiders like you.

Anonymous said...

Anony-mouse-Most members of the park board will never admit they made a mistake in developing the new membership and pricing structure that went into effect 9/1/06. All their arrogance is costing them is one third fewer members and an estimated $200,000 less in revenue from memberships than they had projected. Even if they did try to "woo" members back it is likely too late as these former members have joined other clubs that offer more in the way of benefits for the same price.

One problem with the taxing bodies in this town and many of PR residents is an inability to prioritize. We are a small town with limited sources of revenue. We therefore cannot afford, and it is fiscally irresponsible to think, that we can have a state of the art aquatic center and library and police station and school system and on and on. Something must give. A great pool is not a priority. Please, park board, stop coming back to us on this issue time and time again.

I would also add that it is disappointing the park board could not think independently and pick someone who is not somehow affiliated with Mayor Frimark. I understand that 9 people applied for the opening. Was a Frimark acquaintance the only viable candidate?

Anonymous said...

To those bitching about the Community Center:

That place has been a crap facility from the day it opened. Too small, and how screwed up does the layout have to be when fully dressed guys have to walk through a bunch of other guys showering in order to get to the pool for their kid's swimming lesson!

The Park District would be better off selling it to a private health club, except that no private health club would buy that POS aat any price.

Anonymous said...

NM..."As you know all of the offices I have been apointed to pay a grand total of $0."

That's why the Price is Right!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dick - as they say " Its nice to be important - but more over its important to be nice." Its time to face the music and knock down that eyesore of a pool.

What's really buried underneath there

Anonymous said...

"Green" Dick Barton has signed onto the eco-craze. Come on, Dick, time to put our green money where your green mouth is. Rip out that useless junk at Oakton and put in some green grass.

Anonymous said...

Ronny B.
You are correct. There are many other local publications available. I didn't mean to discount their importance. I was thinking more in terms of the immediate exchange people can engage in the blog setting which doesn't exist in the printed media. That is why I was singling out PRU in that category. If you read my posting carefully you will notice I never said that I had an issue with dedicating my time to public service. I said my family might have an issue with it. I am happy to be chosen and will wholeheartedly and dilligently carry out my duties. Finally, please don't discourage others from participating by using statements like "only insiders get considered". You don't think that the fact I was the only person out of the nine that applied for the position who had previously done that very job played some role? That, in addition to my contributions (gaining several state grants for construction of new facilities and upgrading of old ones thus alleviating the taxpayers, being the only commissioner in recent Golf Maine history to vote against a tax levy increase etc, etc.) while a commissioner at Golf Maine I am sure must have played a part in the other commissioners decision. I enjoyed reading the postings that had some solid and concrete criticism of what people think is not working with the park district. Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

um, so that means we are going to have miniature golf at the location where Oakton pool now stands?

Anonymous said...

Last note on this topic. I've talked to Commissioner Barton three times in my life, and that's including the time I was interviewed for the position by the entire PR Park District Board. The other two were. Once at a commissioner training seminar when I was at Golf Maine and he was attending in his capacity as commissioner for PR, and once at a Park Ridge parade a few years back when I recognized him from the seminar.

Anonymous said...

anony-mouse, when you see green grass you think "miniture golf"? Don't tell me, you're from the Country Club.

Anonymous said...

no, it was more of a reference to the whole "Golf Main" thing.
I am hoping for the best with the new appointment, but unfortunately I've been here too long to know better.

Anonymous said...

and I still think you can get the citizens of PR back to the Community Center by offering low annual membership rates for a limited time (say a month). They will come back.

Anonymous said...

I can’t speak for PRU, but based on today’s posting I can understand your drawing the conclusion that I was referring specifically to Dick Barton. Not true. I do not believe all roads lead to Mr. Barton. Dick is simply one of the many roads in the insider highway system and you Mr. Millissis have an I-pass.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anony-mouse:

Why do you want those cheap b*stards back at the community center anyway?

But if the Park District is dumb enough, it should offer 'em a free membership for the first year if they sign up for two years. Call it "revenue sharing" like the City did with the Napleton sales tax fiasco - maybe Bill Napleton would join.

And if you toss in a couple of Hooters girls as part-time trainers you might be able to sell a corporate memberhip to Norwood builders.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

fred, yours may be the Crew's favorite comment to date. Killer funny!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick,

Thanks for the full disclosure on your contacts with Dick Barton.

Now how about the full disclosure of your contacts with Howard?

Anonymous said...

Anyone read today’s Herald Advocate? PRU you hit it right on the head. Milissis appears to be so connected that it is easy to connect that this guy is just another pawn in Frimark’s pyramid scheme. I wonder what plans Howard has for the Park District?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Haven't gotten to the local rag today -- Are you sure it isn't the Dept. of Immigration and Naturalization? That's the host Mr. Milissis was using yesterday. Though our Tech has told us about repeat visits from DHS.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Milissis-
You asked us to keep coming with comments, so here's another long standing issue for your review.

At a Spring 2007 meeting, the PRPD board requested copies of all financial related statements and tax forms from their affiliates (soccer, football, hockey, baseball, etc).

According to a PRPD official that I talked to and who met with the commissioner of PRBS, the PRPD board discovered that PR Baseball/Softball had never filed the proper federal or state tax return in its 57 year history. The PRBS official was arrogant and reluctant to follow the proposed rules. The PRBS asked for a couple of weeks to review the new affiliate requirements.(June 21 minutes). The PRBS organization indicates it is a non-profit organization. In talking to a CPA from a large firm who works with taxes, non-profits like PRBS are required to file federal and IL returns.

The affiliates (soccer, football, baseball) pay $5 per participant to rent the fields. The PRPD spends about $3,000,000 on overall outdoor park maintenance.

PRBS paid the PRPD about $11,000 for field rental in 2007 based on summer paricipation rates of 2,200 kids.(per Mr. Farinella at the PRPD 3/15/07 board meeting.)

The fee for kids to play PRBS last year was $85 for the first child in a family. (This year the fee is $70 for the first child in a family). Sponsors pay anywhere from $200 - $300 to sponsor a team. PRBS also generates revenue from the sale of merchandise and concessions. Based on the number of participants and the number of teams (175 in 2005), PRBS collects (estimated) hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.

By only charging PRBS $5 per participant for field rental, the park district is subsidizing PRBS with taxpayer money, but there is no details of how our taxpayer money or participation fees are being spent.

In June 2007, the PRPD board approved new financial disclosure requirements for all its affiliates. PRBS was the only organization that did not comply with the rules. (See 2007 June 21 board minutes and the revised affiliate guidelines for PRPD at www. prparks.org).

Then on October 18, 2007, the PRPD board (with one member voting no) granted PRBS the exclusive rights to be the only organization to provide the kids of PR with organized youth baseball. This after knowing that PRBS has never complied with filing rules.

Why would the PRPD grant exclusivity to this organization? Why would the PRPD continue to provide financial support to PRBS in the form of $5 field rent when the PRPD board has no ability to review how indirect taxpayer money is being spent? Has PRBS complied with the park boards rules and provided the board with PRBS 12/31/07 financial statements? Per the amended affiliate guidelines this should have been received by the PRPD board by 1/31/08.

If they (affiliate) can't follow the rules, PRPD should not throw our money into a black hole. You could collect all money and distribute all the money, but I'm sure people who don't follow the rules would not like that arrangement because they might not like your hands in "their" pockets.

Maybe Pam Zekman or Uncle Sam would be interested in this.

Anonymous said...

PRBS has been run by many of the same people for the last 10-20 years. They think they ARE PRBS - in the sense that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

I had no idea they were given a monopoly on Park District baseball/softball. If that's true, it's a travesty.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2/28/08 111:37PM. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will most definetely inquire into this and follow up on the issue. Also, I will make a proposal that the district include a post on its website where residents can post their questions/comments/suggestions to the board and have them answered on the same post by a commissioner or staffer from the district. I think that people that have good ideas or opinions don't necessarily show up at the board meetings so this would be a good venue to get some feedback from everyone.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 11:37 wrote:

PRBS paid the PRPD about $11,000 for field rental in 2007 based on summer paricipation rates of 2,200 kids.

(per Mr. Farinella at the PRPD 3/15/07 board meeting.)

Small point of fact, but the affiliates that are charged the $5 participation fee per player are charged that per season. Baseball has two seasons (Spring and Fall), just as Soccer does.

You only mention the money they paid for the Spring Season.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 11:37 wrote:

“Then on October 18, 2007, the PRPD board (with one member voting no) granted PRBS the exclusive rights to be the only organization to provide the kids of PR with organized youth baseball. This after knowing that PRBS has never complied with filing rules.”

This too is not 100% accurate.

The Park Board voted to amend language so that their guidelines reflected they would have one recognized affiliate per sport.

The key words to pay attention to are recognized vs. only.

There are other baseball organizations, made up of Park Ridge players, coached by Park Ridge coaches that utilize Park District fields to play organized youth baseball.

So yes PRBS is the recognized baseball affiliate. However, they are not the only organization where kids of Park Ridge can play baseball, as you would indicate.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 8:58 am
Why have there been so many spinoff baseball teams formed with PR kids and by parents who do not want to be affiliated with PRBS? Do these teams get to rent the PRPD fields to play on or do they need to get permission from PRBS first? What benefits does this exclusivity provide to PRBS? The PRPD baseball fields are public fields and should not be controlled by any one group.

It is time for the PRPD to stop funding PRBS until PRBS can follow the rules and file the necessary forms. As a publicly funded non-profit group, PRBS should also have to answer as to how the money-every dollar since some of their money is indirect public money from the PRPD-has been spent for the years they have chosen not to file. At only $5 per kid for field use there is alot of money left over. (Yes they pay umps and for uniforms and for some new equipment but PRBS also generates money from PR business who sponsor teams.) With the PRPD trying to make their own ends meet as their expenses go up and charging more for programs etc, PRBS et al should be paying more than $5 per participant per season to use the fields

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Mr. Milissis,

Your suggestion that a post be available on the PRRPD's web site is a pretty good one. Logistics could probably be worked out.

Unfortunately, you have a lot to learn about some members of the PRRPD staff. But we aren't going to point at you and laugh, not yet anyway. That would be rude.

Good luck again.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 9:50:

The Park District "controls" and schedules the field use. Being an affiliate in any sport gives that affiliate priority use of the fields.

As an example, a club like Junior Hawks Baseball, does play some of their home games in Park Ridge, while also playing some of their home games in Bensenville due to scheduling problems of getting fields in Park Ridge at their desired time.

The reason for the many spin-off organizations are varied.

Originally, with the Junior Hawks(the organization referenced above), PRBS did not offer any "travel" component of their program. The organizing parents of Junior Hawks wanted to play more competitive teams so they formed their own organization.

A few years later PRBS followed that action and now today offers competitive "travel" baseball as well.

As to why other teams have left, it's because some parents wish to have their kids play more games, others wish to have their kids play fewer games, some want to play in one league, while others in a differently affiliated league, and other teams have left because the parents do not like or want to follow the rules that PRBS has outlined for their participants.

Parents are perfectly entitled to do what they believe is in the best interest of their child's baseball future, so pulling out of PRBS and forming their own team is ok.

However, PRBS is an organization that allows play for anyone who wishes to pick up a bat and ball, regardless of skill level.

If your kid is great, average, or terrible, they have a place to play baseball.

PRBS also fields teams to play in "Buddy Ball" leagues which are geared towards kids with special needs.

This does not exclude other teams from playing on fields owned by the Park Ridge Park District, but they do have their requests for field use priortized behind those of PRBS. However, the final scheduling decision is done by the Park District.

Some of these teams that have left are simply that, a single team for a single age group.

So the Park District as a matter of practicality has recognized PRBS as their affiliate because they develop programs for 2200 children and not 12, 24, 36, etc.

I agree with you that PRBS needs to follow the rules the Park District has put in place for all of the affiliates.

The original writer on this topic implies that is not happening. From my understanding, PRBS has complied and will be filing all the required paperwork (tax returns included) with the Park District at the deadline the Park District has imposed (April 30th based upon a April 15th filing deadline).

That deadline has not passed since the change in the affiliate policy was put in place this past summer.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 10:39-
What about the proper filing of forms-including tax returns-for the first 57 years that PRBS has been around? For an organization with this much power and given so much in the way of public funding and access to public facilities to follow the rules of the federal and state governments (and finally some rules by the PRPD) on a going forward basis is not enough.

Anonymous said...

this discussion sounds like a turf war between baseball factions.

from what I've heard over the years, the affiliates call the tune and the park district dances because the park district cares more about keeping the people who run the affiliates happy than about doing what's right for the ordinary park ridge resident.

Reggie said...


We don't need no stinkin' forms.


Anonymous said...

Hey Howard - if you hurry you may get the funds that you have been begging for from Gov. Rod Blago before he's served with a Federal paper!

Was that Resko marching with all the Dem's in the last parade here in town?

Where are we going to get our money if the Dem's all go down ?

Maybe down in the 7th ward !

Nah.......its Rosemary to the rescue !!

Anonymous said...

perhaps our fine mayor should read Chicago magazine's story about Betty Loren Maltese in this month's issue.
Get ready, you're NEXT Howie!