February 21, 2008

Happy Trails.

The Chief of Police, Jeff Caudill, is "retiring."

click document pic for larger view

Another One Bites the Dust

Look! There Goes Elvis!


Anonymous said...

You know what? I heard the night cleaning guy talking bad about Howard. Let’s get rid of him too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Chief Caudill for your 31 years of work for the community of Park Ridge. I hope your future road is free of potholes...

Anonymous said...

Once again, the question: clearing out dead wood by eliminating another old time-server, or departure of a professional and dedicated public servant who has had enough of the way things are being done now?

Once again, my money's on the latter.

Anonymous said...

Why are all these people leaving?

Anonymous said...

It must be the great underfunded police pension plan and the the great early retirement offer. Yeah, that's it.

Off topic, but I've got the inside track on a great deal for a bridge...

Anonymous said...

Could someone shed some light on the suggestion that Chief Caudill is being forced out in connection with the police department investigation? That has been hinted at, and I for one would like to know more about it.

Anonymous said...

Pink Floyd presents the new police........

"Are there any queers in the theater tonight?
Get them up against the wall!
There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me,
Get him up against the wall!
That one looks Jewish!
And that one's a coon!
Who let all of this riff-raff into the room?
There's one smoking a joint,
And another with spots!
If I had my way,
I'd have all of you shot!"

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

We feel we've done more than hint at it. But we think we will leave the dirty details until after the independent invest...uh, we mean audit.

Anonymous said...

These people are probably leaving because when your pension is maxed out your're working just to work basically. As soon as they get a reason like a scumbag mayor as an annoyance or a generous exit incentive they hit the road. Notice how the integrity or efficiency of guys like these hasn't been questioned in decades until the new regime. You tell me who the problem is? Congrats on the retirement chief!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to see him go. Thank you and good luck, chief.

Anonymous said...

Chief Caudill wasn't perfect but I always thought he was a good guy. I think our town will miss him but all things change over time.

If Mayor Frimark has forced the Chief out unfairly then I will make a personal effort to return the favor to the Mayor in the next election.

Anonymous said...

The department isn't perfect, but when you have elected officials discouraging the enforcement of laws about speeding, teen drinking, and everbody drinking and driving, how is a guy who needs elected officials' good will to survive? This won't be the first person gone because his own self-respect won't let him turn a blind eye to lawbreaking. Now we can look forward to having the trained people with sidearms under the control of -- who? Enforcing or ignoring laws on behalf of -- who?
God help us.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Frimark will have an easy clear path to the throne he's creating for himself.

Anonymous said...

The citizens in Park Ridge have been complaining over the last 18 months about rude and disrespectful police behavior, violation of civil and constitutional rights, refusal by officers and management to accept complaints from citizens, and general disregard of their own policies. In addition, there are lawsuits alleging violation of constitutional rights and beatings of teenagers (some of which have already settled). If a police chief cannot control his own department, he should not be employed in a leadership position. To answer M. Anderson's question: I believe that it's clearing out the dead wood.

I've heard rumors that the mayor is going to install his buddy as chief. Let's hope the selection process finds the best candidate and we leave the patronage hiring to Chicago.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @ 2:14 PM,

Perhaps I'm being nitpicky...but you make it sound as if there is some huge groundswell, or even a majority, of the citizens of Park Ridge who are up in arms about the conduct of the whole police department.

I do not share that view...and neither do the citizens who responded to a recent survey on the police department...the vast majority of respondents gave the police department high marks for conduct.

...which is not to say that even if a very small number of complaints have been received, they should be dismissed out of hand because of their number.

We also have yet to hear any solid information about how many of our officers might have had complaints filed against them...which is again not to say that even a small number should be dismissed.

But I certainly do not agree with the characterization that seems to be implied in your comment.

As for controlling human behavior... Ultimately the Chief of Police is responsible for the entire department, but the bad conduct of a few...if that is the case...does not necessarily require the ousting of the Chief...or every police department from coast to coast would undergo a change in "management" every year...and in larger metropolitan areas, that change might well occur weekly!

I personally believe there have been those roiling the waters which have produced this outcome...and I hope they get everything they deserve...one way or another.

Anonymous said...

Caudill was okay - no Kojak, but no mope, either. Some of his cops are jerks, but most are okay. Not Kojaks, but not mopes. So why is he hittin' the road? Sounds like another case of terminal Frimark. Can't wait to hear the deal he got to leave quietly rather than kicking and screaming.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:45 hits it on the head. I am hopeful that the City Council will do its duty and only approve the hiring of a qualified and professional chief. If it does not, and Howard slides a crony in there, then some of our fellow citizens may be looking at a few hard years.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the Chief in his early retirement.

Good luck to the new police chief too who ever he may be!

Tom S. the current Deputy has my vote. One who would clean out the system and make us proud - again.

Anonymous said...

Whether he was a jerk or not, the buck stops with the Chief.

There have been more than a half dozen officers hired by him that should not have been and they were all forced to resign. That never happened under previous Chiefs. Now we've got one who didn't go easily and was terminated. And she's sueing.

Caudill knew exactly what he was getting with those who have caused problems. He hired them and he promoted them.

Caudill's biggest problem was his inability to keep politics out of the police department. He should have just let the cops do their jobs. Instead, he tried to bend to every whim of every elected official.

An Alderman should not call the Chief directly and "tell" the Chief to have a certain kind of enforcement done. It should go through the proper channels, which is to say, call the department's non-emergency number and speak to a Watch Commander. Then the enforcement will be handled in the right way, at the patrol level.

Once the Chief allowed the political hacks to influence him one way (enforce this, enforce that because that's what I want), then it started the other way.

It became, don't do this, let this person go with a warning, don't enforce that because I know those people, they're friends of mine.

It became, write a whole bunch of tickets because the Alderman want people written tickets.

Then the citizens complained about getting tickets.

So then stop writing tickets was the edict that came down.

Justice should be blind. If a citizen does wrong, they get a ticket or arrested. No matter if they're a Friend of Howard's or not!

PRU.ADMIN said...


We are wondering if you will be as forthcoming should you be randomly selected for an internal interview, as part of the PRPD audit.

We would hate to think you are submitting your thoughts and concerns here as a substitute for a venue where such thoughts and concerns will actually count.

All things considered,

Anonymous said...

How about this: Howard is a politician w/his own agenda and Caudill had a hard time doing the right thing... "Right or wrong, I stand by my commanders" doesn't exactly sound like a comment an honest, moral guy would make. Time will tell when the "audit" reveals just how far the chief and his deputy bent the rules to keep the commanders upright... And we're pretty sure Howard is aware of it and is now doing something about it... (Note to anon 6:40pm -...to the new chief whoever HE OR SHE may be - of course you'd be a Swoboda fan...)

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

We knew it was only a matter of time before the 'Mayor Howard Frimark; Government Reformer!' tales began spinning.

Anonymous said...

I FEAR the thought of Mayor Howie having the power to appoint the next chief, and who his selection will be. LITERAL FEAR.
I filled out the survey and wrote just that.
I truly think that most of the complaints about the problems with the police dept are from parents of spoiled brats who have nothing to do but roam the streets until they are old enough to get a drivers license, then "roam" the streets in their new BMW.

Anonymous said...

Chuck C. was a great Sgt.
God Rest His Soul.

Same goes for Terry C.
Semper Fi

Anonymous said...

We now hear that the Police Chief
was pushed - just like in the story
of Humpty Dumpty.

All the kings men !!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes - those trust funds kids and their beamers!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think 1104 thinks that Howard is really a reformer - just a guy who has visions of Park Ridge becoming his personal playground destroying all in his path - much like a certain PRPD Commander. Caudill's problem is/was that he sat on his hands while he basically let two people destroy the entire department. Unfortunately Caudill was either unable or unwilling to stand up for the troops when it counted - which will unfortunately be his legacy.