February 11, 2008

Man At His Best.

Esquire Magazine's tag-line is "Man At His Best."

The very first cover featured a classic male-bonding scene of some guys going fishing, probably in Canada. We can taste the shore lunch now...

Since 1933, Esquire has made some serious improvements in their magazine cover choices. At least we think so.

And once a year Esquire puts out an issue titled Women We Love. To our women readers, relax ladies. You are just going to have to accept that men love you -- or, if statistics are to be believed, that 90% of men on the planet love you. That other 10% we just can't explain and we won't even try.

Considering that Esquire magazine has been in the business of showing "Man At His Best" and treating its readership to pictorial celebrations of "Women We Love", the PRU Crew decided to borrow on that theme and tell you about a local man at his best and a woman we love.

As our regular readers know, Alderman Dave Schmidtzkrieg (1st Ward) has been battling the
forces of evil in an attempt to provide the people of Park Ridge with access to information about what our local government has been up to behind closed doors.

Ald. Schmidtzkrieg wrote a letter published in both the local rags last week telling the citizens of Park Ridge what he believes and why he's taken the actions he has. That would be an example of a "man at his best", attempting to perform his representative duties to the people of Park Ridge.

We hear things are getting ugly. We hear Mayor Howard has been directing things behind the scenes in an attempt to publicly smear Ald. Schmidtzkrieg, and that he's boasting of having enough votes to accomplish his goal. Unfortunately, this too is an example of a "man at his best"; this is what passes for Mayor Howard's "best" -- trying to keep the people of Park Ridge in the dark about what it is he and his cronies are doing and why they're doing it, and engaging in smear campaigns against those who dare to challenge Mayor Howard.

There are conflicting reports coming into PRU about what the city council intends to do this evening. Some sources have told us that the council means to adopt a resolution condemning the actions of Ald. Schmidtzkrieg, while other sources tell us the council means to pass a local ordinance or enact a council policy forbidding the disclosure of closed session information. We haven't seen anything on the council agenda for tonight's meeting that gives any clear indication of what the council is up to on this matter. But we trust our various sources who are insisting the Mayor is running all over town claiming that he, Mayor Howard, is adored and will have his revenge one way or another.

Which is where the "woman we love" comes into the picture. Her name is
Lady Justice. She's hot, and we aren't just talking about that peek-a-boo breast she's got going. We mean that this lady weighs the facts of a matter, then wields that double edged sword for the twin causes of reason and justice.

We hope that if and when the city council determines to pass a local ordinance or policy forbidding the disclosure of closed session information -- an act that would be in direct conflict with State law, the demands of the Illinois Open Meetings Act, and the Attorney General's opinion on such things -- Lady Justice will plant that sword firmly up the ass of Mayor Howard and his council hacks. Like we said, Lady Justice is hot stuff.


Anonymous said...

so...because Schmidt speaks the truth, but goes against Howie (obviously, if you speak the truth, you are going against the mayor)--you will be PUNISHED?
Ald Schmidt, please don't get discouraged. You are the only one who is looking out for the People of Park Ridge. Thank you for GETTING what your job is.

Anonymous said...

Come to the meeting, and voice your concerns about this during the "Citizens wishing to be heard on Non-Agenda Items." It doesn't matter if the council brings it up themselves tonight or not-- they probably are planning to eventually, so you might as well get your thoughts out there tonight.

Anonymous said...

What a joke. Howard is going to read the resolution for "Volunteer Appreciation Month" while getting ready to put the wood to Alderman Schmidt--a volunteer doing his part to serve the community.

Anonymous said...

I am sick of the Star Chamber antics from this Mayor and the City Council.

Bravo to Alderman Schmidt and anyone else who is stopping them from keeping secrets from the people who elected them to represent.

Park Ridge has real issues that should be getting talked about but instead of talking about the real issues in open meetings they are running behind closed doors and trying to slap down anyone who tells the public anything.

I am sick of these politicians.

Anonymous said...

It kind of gives a new meaning to the term - "sidebar".

Anonymous said...

For those who are out there day in and day out - they too deserve better. Leave their pension plan alone.

Anonymous said...

Is there an update on last nights city council meeting?