June 4, 2008

PRU Briefs!

Greetings, PRU readers! We had planned to do a report on last night's Procedures and Regulations meeting, but our plans were changed by events beyond our control.

So today we are offering a set of PRU Briefs (or PRUpourri) for your reading pleasure. It was a split-decision among the Crew, but PRU.ADMIN prefers colorful skivvies to a bowl of smelly, dead flowers.

If you haven't had a chance to do so, check out a couple of fledgling Park Ridge related blogs:

Cumberland Patriot -- Not a bad start.

No Police Enforcement On Prospect -- It's not the most creatively named blog we've seen, but the concern is legit.

Park Ridge Pedestrian -- some of you may have noticed this addition to our link list; it's not exactly a blog, but somebody has put in some serious effort on this topic.

Finally, we'd like to again point PRU readers in the direction of the
Pub-dog's. Their Monday post has some interesting comments. And today's Pub-dog post raises some interesting points.


Anonymous said...

when is the mayor up for re-election? is it November?

Anonymous said...

Sorry this is off topic - but does anyone know about a firing range that the PR police had some 30 years ago?? I heard it was in the brown building at Busse Hwy and Elm St, on the West side of Hinkley Park, by the volleyball courts. Is this fact or just urban legend?

Anonymous said...

Election in April.

Yes, there was a shooting facility at Hinkley Park.

Anonymous said...

So a Park Ridge shooting range is not an urban legend! M. anderson do have any idea why and when it was removed?

Anonymous said...

polikce firing range was in a park district building, and the park district wanted it back. beieve that occurred in the mid 90s

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the firing range info. I've been wondering about this for months & it only took a few minutes to resolve on the PRU.

MIKE said...

there's already a thread about the PD below here folks!

And as for the next mayorl election it's next year in the spring.

Anonymous said...

Yes - the firing range is still there.

Anonymous said...

Firing range at Hinkley is long gone. The building was partly demolished when the reservoir went in.

Anonymous said...

As for the firing range at Hinkley Park, I can remember that the PRPD would practice there and the Des Plaines PD did too, cause they didn't have a facility. Recently I've heard it the other-way-around, and it's funny how things cycle and are forgotten.