June 23, 2008

Taking Attendance! Great Idea!

In last week's Park Ridge Herald-Advocate there were two items covering the attendance of Aldermen at City Council and committee meetings, while today's Pub-dog piece is also about Benedict Alderman Ryan's need for an attitude adjustment.

The PRU Crew is going to give ourselves a big old pat on the backs for getting people to pay attention to the issue of attendance.

And you're all very welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey watch dog......do your duty..no not that duty....the duty to watch and find out if this info is really true.

We have learned recently that the CVS pharmacy people have been in discussion with Billy Napleton.

Please help reconfirm this for us.

It would appear that he's trying to line his back pockets - this time.

The front two are too full!

Thank you.