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Have a great weekend and Spring Break vacation or staycation!
March 20, 2009
Think Warm Thoughts!
Posted by ParkRidgeUnderground
Labels: Weekend
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Irreverent and Unrepentant Satire and Irony
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Have a great weekend and Spring Break vacation or staycation!
Posted by ParkRidgeUnderground
Labels: Weekend
Staycation for certain since Bush and the right wing nuts stole all my money.
And Chris Dodd, at the request of the current Administration, made sure they could keep it.
Incompetence or corruption. Pick your poison.
Anonymous at 1259,
Too true...and if you like a hearty helping of both, vote for Howard Frimark!
Bikini staycation in my back yard. Any of you Park Ridge cougars interested?
Honk, honk.
It was very interesting in see mayor Frimark work over the room and those key plants.
Case in point: Sean Sullivan of the 1st ward. Howard was seen speaking with him - just prior to his speech.
Then Ald. Schmidt gets hit with a planted question.
Great response Dave !!
Nothing like stacking the deck Howie!
And then he wonder's why the feds love him!!
maybe if it rains we will be able to go swimming and if you get some sand bags we could have a beach. I wonder if Howard could send over his stimulation package. I can't believe I just typed that disgusting thought...Oh well it's staycation time...cougars gone wild!
Yes Sean was a plant. This was an attempt to paint Dave as the dirty Dem. at a Republican woman forum. Not too sure they bought it as Mr Sullivan has such a delicate, non bitter or angry demeaner about him. Besides, not the best crowd the throw out the Rosemary Mulligan card. Daves reply was great! And Honest.
I read the article "Frimark,Schidt Split Over Incentives" in this weeks Journal.
Frimark mentions the development of Target Rea 4.
Not that it's anything new but my thoughts are let's leave it alone. We already have enough development including huge one along Northwest Hwy. Though I wonder if this means the Historical Society will have to find a new place?
Originally it was located at Summit and Euclid and moved in the 1980's when they built the Summit Square shopping area.
It was certainly a nicer location.
i think Target Area 4 is where Frimark wants to open the strip clubs that the casino people will flock to. Vegas, baby!
I wholeheartedly agree.. on all points.
Also as many know Tim Hientz did in a snowmobile accident last week.
What's funny is The journal states he's formerly of PR.
While it really doesn't matter where one lives I wonder how recent was his move out of town?
Can't remember now what got Former Mayor Wietecha to resign but I think they suspected him of something and he now lives in Lake Barrington.
So will old Howard flea if he sould get voted out of office?
Sounds so unfair to be a politican or developer and do things that many people don't like and then leave town.
Another great debate recap posted by the PRHA. Howard thinks he is a cheerleader....PLEASE........!!!
Brought more business to PR? Don't think so. More closed their doors than opened. Why am I having visions of the Uptown area turning into the Des Plaines (old)parking garage eyesore?
Another accomplishment Howard believes is his work towards flood control. It takes 4 years to find no solution?
And to Dave Schmidt, I agree with your reasons on why you would be the better choice GO D...A...V...E!
What are you trying to say ???? Clue me in to the funny part. This guy left a wife and 10 year old son without a father.....are you that effed up ? Leave them alone.... you're a pr%@k.
Howard has been having wet dreams over target area 4 for some time now. Only it seems to have surfaced more recently due to election season. However, there is always a chance that his campaign finances were a little low and needed a contribution. This is where an "interested" developer might need a favor in return. You know, zoning, variences, environmental cleanup.....
Mike, let's first get him elected out of office and THEN worry about how he will get all his crap moved to Bonita Springs.
Here's another great read ( on line )
when you get the chance:
"The Action" At O'Hare:
The Corruption of Public Process Leading To The O'Hare Expansion.
175 pages
Terry Brunner
Former Federal prosecutor
and Director of the BGA.
Now Project Director
for the Aviation Integrity Project
Note: The sections that mention the city of Park Ridge and the city council - back then in 04' is also very interesting.
So is the quote that Rep. Jan Schakowsky walking arm in arm with those pro- Daley supporters during a Park Ridge Memorial Day parade!!
can someone tell me what/where "Target Area 4" is?
TA 4 Maine street-Touhy-Cumberand-Prairie-Fairview-Thrid. Just think about the area where the farmers market is,the Historical society, and Cumberland Park. In fact drive by there. It actually is a pretty good sized area for Howard to claim as his monument. Perhaps they'll even name it Frimark Plaza.
Mike...the Historical Society is moving. They are not going to be in their present location very much longer.
South of the railroad tracks and Touhy, Maine Street, Garden, Third St. ATT parking lot. It may go futher east to where I understand Nancy Frimark owns some property
I really find it strange that in light of a presidential campaign that is based on a change and a new Washington that when it’s time to step to the plate, he wants to shirk his responsibility of what he promised to do, “going through line by line and vetoing every proposal line that is waste”… it sure sounds nice when you want to get elected, but I guess we can do what we want and blame somebody else for it. Don’t get me wrong, I think Bush lost his way, but to blame him for when this was getting ugly last year, lets call it like it is. Bush wanted it, the majority controlled democratic congress wanted it and so did the majority democratic senate, so if you want to really blame somebody and point a finger, don’t stop with one. If you think this kind of change is good, then you’ll enjoy what the future has in store for you, you haven’t seen anything yet!
In looking over the 2004 report
by Terry Brunner who investigated the OMP - its really an eye opener to see how the Daley machine infiltrated the Park Ridge city council - back then.
Yes folks - even Howard Frimark is a closet democrat as we can see per page 100 of the report.
Here's who voted pro Daley to pull us out of the SOC:
- Howard Frimark
- Mark Anderson
- Rex Parker
- Larry Friel( buried Daley's mother - Sis Daley )
- Jeff Cox
Very interesting indeed!
We knew we had smelled a rat!
So I read that the H.A. has endorsed Mayor Frimark. I find that kind of odd seeing as over the past several months they have gone through substantial staff changes including the editor. Exactly how well do you suppose these new staff members know what's going on in our community let alone Howard? Surely not well enough to write an entire endorsement letter about his "accomplishments" over the last 4 years, not without "help". Gees the new editor has barely been there 4 months.
Anonymous comments are provided by people that have NO Backbone.
As a former Alderman of the 7th Ward , (2001 - 2005 ) I find it sad that these WEAK individuals can make comments that are LIES. Example: That I voted against SOC because I buried Mayor Daley's mother." I smell a rat." Check out the facts. As a matter of fact the investigator who made that claim did not check is information clearly. So the next FOOL aka " The Rat" comes along and spreads false information. Get a copy of Mrs. Daley's death certificate. See what funeral director signed the certificate with his license number. You will see that the Daley family did select another funeral director to conduct their mother's funeral. Her son in law.
All I ask is for the fool who submitted that comment ( A LIE )
back what was said. Prove it or shut up. I can back what I say. Can the "Rat"?
I have officially cancelled my subscription to the Herald-Advocate.
to the "anonymous ranter" about Daley and Friel and all the other crap you post about focusing on something more positive? You're a real downer. Everyone GETS IT, you hate Daley and are obsessed with him.
Move on.
The truth does hurt.
bad subterfusion
Anonymous March 23, 2009 3:46 PM –
We all know you've got the proverbial (or in your case real?) "hard-on" for O'Hare because now the planes are finally flying low over your house. YOu didn't give a crap all those years when they were flying low over ours, which makes you the worst kind of NIMBY.
But it's time you actually tried to fire up a couple more brain cells and think about what would ever cause O'Hare to stop using a new runway that they paid over $500 million for, along with a whole new control tower? Only an idiot could even think that possible, which puts you in a pretty select crowd along with the ORD-REST people and those like yourself who want us back in SOC.
If they're going to route flights away from the new runway, where do you think they're going to be re-routed to? Runways 22R and 22L, which fly low over the 1st, 2nd and 3rd wards. Thanks, genius!
As far as your obsessive/compulsive revisionist history and your revulsion for Democrats goes, by 2003 most Park Ridge voters were smart enough to figure out that Republican president George W. Bush and the rest of his moronic Republican administration were in bed with Richie Daley and the Mike Madiganocrats, so they rejected those Homeowner Party candidates who wanted to keep throwing our money at SOC and elected candidates who realized SOC was a joke. And since that time, SOC has spent millions proving that it's a joke.
As for Howard Frimark being a "closet democrat," he's no more a Democrat than he is a Republican. In fact, Frimark a member of the same "Green Party" as "Fast Eddie" Vrdolyak – they only care about politics for the MONEY.
Anybody that puts local issues in terms of “Democrat” or “Republican” still needs political toilet training, because they're still in political diapers. Listen, genius, there's no such thing as real Democrats or real Republicans in Park Ridge anymore, or in all of Illinois for that matter. All we're left with is just a bunch of DINOS and RINOS - Democrats/Republicans In Name Only. Just like Howard Frimark.
I’m guessing that your attention span has probably faded, you have stopped reading, and you are writing another of your letters to the International Olympic Committee asking them to hold the 2016 Olympics hostage until Chicago closes O'Hare.
Keep up the good work, and Semper Fi.
Regarding Howard Frimark and the Herald-Advocate: the Mayor has been heard bragging about town that among the many favors he does for people, he has been helping ex-editor Anne Lunde get her resume around to prospective new bosses in the area. Sure, she's gone -- but isn't it possible that she's putting in a good word for Frimark with her successors at the H-A?
Frimark must be doing his pathetic hippity hop dance over at the Country Club today, toasting his endorsement by the Herald-Advocate.
Two weeks, gang. Get out the vote.
Anonymous Twice by Choice:
Anon by choice 2wice,
Yeah man you rock my poopy diapers! Just kidding. There where no planes over ny house last year when I moved in. I guess I'mm just a sucker and a whiner and I should get serious befor you semper fight my poopy diaper bottom.
Frimark looks like a fat Barnny Fife.
Come on Digger, settle down.
I heard Frimark has bought a lot of advertising in the HA over the years. Counrty club hob nobbin pays off, don't it. He is Judge Smells. I am Danny. No, probably more like Al Czervik. Maybe I'll swing by the country club and let Frimark know that I'm planning to buy it.
It's Tuesday.
How come you guys along with PW have nothing new so far?
Mr. Friel:
Your suggestion of "prove it or shut up" is an interesting one. Of course if having proof were a requirement, there would be at least 50% fewer posts on the blogs (probably more like 80%).
On this thread alone we have someone who says Frimark "has been heard....." and another who says "I heard he bought advertising....". So we have positioned the HA endorcement as bought and paid for via favors or cash without a single shread of evidence.
Anon March 24, 2009 2:44 PM
Didn't you check on the O'Hare Modernization Program and the new runway before you bought in Park Ridge? Man, what an idiot!
Mike @420...what's PW?
O.k., I read through that O'Hare Action report and I have got to say, what a pile of tripe. I kept waiting for something more than the guy's dreaming, some proof, but there was nothing.
What a piece of garbage. I would be embarrassed to put my name on that thing.
What idiot posted that link as something worth reading?
Oh wait. I recognize who that is. Please, man. Wake up and get a grip.
PW it another site smiliar to this one.
Also I read the HA'a endorsements for Firmark and twice they deleted my comments about it.
Jennifer Johnson has GOT to go.
Her one-sided reporting, continually associating Dave Schmidt (and ONLY Dave Schmidt) with the PADS drama is pathetic and obviously fed by Frimark.
Very very sad.
Hey - maybe we can find all the bodies that have been buried during Gov. Blago's term and the others as well.
The " pay to play" scam(s) have finally caught up with the Illinois mafia.
Does she also write the editorials?
We all need to move on and let's hope that the best candidate wins on Apr 7th.
We could all use a shot of red, white and blue here.
Thank you.
So in reading up-to-date articles in the local papers, I've come accross the latest, regarding campaign contibutions. As I disectit, I realize....
The fundamental difference is...
It would seem that Mayor Frimark gets the bulk of his "funding" from heavy hitting business most of whom have had their day in front of council and those who's day is still to come.
Then you have Mr. Schmidt who's bulk of his contributions seem to
come the ordinary resident.
Let's see now....
Special Interest contributions
Resident contributions
I think the choice is pretty clear!!!!
A vote for Dave Schmidt is a vote for your future.
Mike 4:20:
"It's Tuesday. How come you guys along with PW have nothing new so far?"
I have an idea - stop your freakin' whining!! It is spring break. Perhaps those who run this site are enjoying some family time like the rest of us. Has it ever occured to you that these people have jobs??
I would point you to the blog archives on the right. In 2008 these people authored 227 seperate threads. As far as I am concerned, that is amazing!!
Dear 12:37,
You shouldn't use the sacred words Semper Fedelis.
You obviously haven't EARNED the privilege.
"Freedom has a taste the protected will never know."
Give me a f***king break.
You are an idiot.
Anonymous twice by choice-when we bought our home nearly 18 years ago we had no low flying planes with the noise and pollution. Our taxes are based on this-you apparently chose to buy a home in an area of PR which has had airplane traffic for years. WE HAVE BEEN ROBBED OF THE USE OF OUR HOME AND NEIGHBORHOOD AND WE WILL NOT GET OVER IT OR GET USED TO IT. Take your long winded diatribe somewhere else. They are many others of us in town who know the history of SOC-we don't need your onesided recap.
OMFG...shut the F up, you crazy idiot!
Anonymous March 26, 2009 12:06 PM
Hey, Jarhead, it's spelled "Fidelis".
Re: Mr Friel,
It appears to me that Mr. Friel has honorably answered the challenge. It's time for the challenger to rebut or apologize.
Comments from tonight's debate:
Frimark CONTINUOUSLY comments on Dave Schmidt's "blogging." I must ask--how does he know? I think we all know the answer (everybody WAVE TO HOWIE!!)
moderator was great.
lots of photographers taking still photos at the beginning (assuming they were Journal photogs). Frimark didn't flinch once...not startled in the way he was at the gambling commission meeting!!!
Frimark JUMPED to answer a question that was directed at Schmidt, and seemed on more than one occasion to have a hard time hearing. It's important to be a GOOD LISTENER, Mr. Mayor.
Question: What is your position on red light cameras?
FRIMARK: I am against using red light cameras for revenue. I am FOR them for the purpose of safety. (smiling) I just spoke with the mayor of Schaumburg who put in a red light camera and earned $1 million in revenue in three months. Isn't THAT a great source of revenue?" (uh...contradiction)
SCHMIDT: Well, which is it? (looks at Frimark) I am against red light cameras because if people driving see cameras in use they will stop suddenly and perhaps cause accidents especially in rainy or snowy conditions.
special quotes from Frimark:
"make it more better"
"stimulation package" AGAIN!
"took a wham at it" (regarding stimulous funding)
"I have an ax to grind" (when asked why he has been in Park Ridge so long) (I'm not kidding, I was taking notes)
"cannot succeed from Cook County" (translation: secede)
"I spent one FULL WEEK at my vacation home in Florida in December 2009. I have worked very hard to get that, don't penalize me for it." 2009? uh...does he have a time machine we don't know about???
Frimark stated that Schmidt is against homeless shelters. How much longer will he profess this bullshit?
Question: Do you think that companies doing business with the City should be banned from making political contributions?
FRIMARK (brace yourselves): "If someone is doing business with the CITY OF CHICAGO (!!!), they should not take contributions."
SCHMIDT: "The City of Park Ridge has a strict ethics policy in effect that already states that political contributions cannot be made by companies doing business with the City."
The Mouse
WOW. What a comedic, non-educated letter to the Editor by resident Frank Bartolone. Is he kidding?
Sir...Frimark IGNORED all the meetings he was supposed to be attending regarding airport noise.
then, when the planes started flying over, he paid attention because we were screaming.
What a fool, that Bartolone. Don't sign your name to letters that Linda writes for you. You just end up looking silly.
We all look forward to Apr 7th when the old magnificent seven alderman can ride in and save this town from Mayor Frimark and his bandit buddies.
If you question the 175 page report
completed by it's author - why not call him and dispute it.
How can you question a man of his integrity when you sold this town out!!!
Thick as thieves!
It's only been five years ?
I find it interesting that Howard does not like to talk about the $ 20,000. that was a "state earmark"
from then Gov. Blago for his " art in the park project".
Yes - through Rosemary Mulligan's office - Blago raided the state's veterans fund and was send money all over the state - such as:
- 40,000 for a SP ice skating rink.
- 500,000 for a toe path in Romeoville.
- 20,000 for an art in the park program so those folks could continue to listen to the music on behalf of Howard & Rosie.
Its the same old saying" Its not our money "
Sadly, it is.
anonymous @ 7:50am - huh?
Frimark said the city of Chicago twice when he should have said the city of Park Ridge.
He claims to have brought 30 new businesses to PR and 29 of them are still here. 30! That number sounds high to me...and I'm also not convinced Howie had anything to do with it.
Hopefully this sad shameful time in PR history will be over soon.
Anon at 5:52-I am not a crazy idiot. (And your use of OMFG could not be more ridiculous or offensive-keep it clean.) You must be the idiot if you cannot see the difference between what is now happening to the long standing residents of PR from the new runway traffic-those of us who bought our homes when there was not even a plan for this new runway versus those PR residents who bought their homes in the 1,2 or 3 wards knowing they would get airplane traffic. Those of us in the Belle Plaine corridor are getting sick of trying to explain this to idiots like yourself who apparently don't have the mental compacity to understand the difference.
This is my favorite clip from the debates - Howard says he never took "one red cent from Napleton", then Schmidt shows a printout from the State Of Illinois website showing a $1,000 contribution from Napleton Cadillac when Howard ran for Mayor the first time. The look on Howard's face is priceless! He looks like he just got tazed!
Search for "Campaign Contributions Frimark"
This search works to find all the videos posted by someone who was there last night:
Try looking for "frimark schmidt debate"
anon 307--your comments are so off the topic and NO ONE knows what your rants are about. MOVE ON with your b.s.
Yes, we all are hurting about the airplaines and it IS an issue. I was commenting about your insanity, not the issue.
Here's the link to lying Howard on YouTube:
Take a walk through the rest of the video clips if you missed the debate last night... they are priceless.
And, my God, if you are a Frimark supporter and you can stomach watching these clips you must ask yourself... what the hell I am lined up behind this guy for?!?
Whether you like him or not he is a complete embarrassment to his supporters and the community.
And, by the way HOward, you are the Mayor of Park Ridge!... not Chicago. You kook!!
I've been going through melidosian's videos of the debate on youtube. There's a link for it on the Public Watchdog site.
Just got though the 2nd part where the moderator asked about the the mayoral posistion being a part time job and how it's possible to be mayor with a full time job?
I guess it's not a bad question though at the same time it seems kind of odd to ask that since it's nothing new.
The question does not at all seem odd to me. You have one of the candidates who is clearly trying to use this issue as a reason to vote for him. Asking the question allows both candidates to address the issue. Is that not what debates are for??
Enough then....let's all move on.
Apr 7th - make the change.
Thank you.
Word has it that Frimark was on a polish radio station campaigning. He must be moving onto the 200 level classes in the Blago School of Government. I wonder if he will write a book as part of his thesis?
Oh wait, I mean have someone write a book for him.
anonymous @ 1041--that bookwriting class is only offered to Illinois politicians in PRISON for taking bribes and political contributions for favors. It's called the "pay for play prison"
Anon 8:46 AM
I think I acknoweledged the fact it wasn't a bad question but considering what I also said in my prior post it's also kind of odd as well.
to the person sending emails about PADS to so many people from a Mary Seat email address--are you SURE you wanna be doing that?
oh, yeah, and you should probably check your facts instead of spewing nonsense.
Are you kidding with another attempt at a Pads e-mail?! Desparate people do crazy things even without all the facts. As usual they seem to believe that simply "saying something" automatically makes it true. Hasn't been the case though thus far. Facts are facts, twist and distort them any way you want. Doesn't change what really happend.
I can't find any comments on this negative blog by Dave Schmidt, can anyone help me with a link? And to the creator of this negative blog would you categorize your site as a site that provides negative influence to your community, or would it be more a site that provides open, accountable, truthful information in the activities of our city government?
Anon@8:34 --
Jeez, that's a hard question -- so many choices!
We'll go with a site that provides open, accountable, truthful information in the activities of our city government, and highlights the negative effects of local government acting negatively toward the best interests of the community.
I suggest that you all come together.
Apr 7th will is your right to speak out. But let's not violate anyone's rights to speak here or anywhere to that fact.
The freedom to read, speak and write is yours that was earned off the backs of those who never thought twice to serve our great county as well as for those today who serve around the world.
Let's remember that this Memorial Day and everyday.
Thank you.
Semper Fi!
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