January 1, 2009


Our Milky Way

Top Ten Reasons To Keep Reading PRU
in the New Year!

10) We don't accept advertising; advertisers can't call our Editor and raise holy hell about a story they didn't like and threaten to pull their advertising dollars.

9.) We offer an interactive experience on local issues with nearly unlimited space for your comments.

8.) We've got nothing to lose by ratting out the rotten apples in local government, and neither do you.

7.) We don't give a shit who you know, how long you've lived in Park Ridge, how much money you make, what club(s) you belong to, or what ivory tower gave you a degree; as a resident and/or taxpayer you are entitled to open, honest, transparent, and representative government, and that's what we are pushing for.

6.) If we know something and can verify its authenticity, we will tell it to you whether you want to read it or not; we refuse to infantilize the adult population of Park Ridge.

5.) We aren't politicians and we will never ask you for your $upport.

4.) We are a fun and entertaining alternative to the local presszzzzzzzzzzz...

3.) Where else can you see pictures of --

2.) Admit it, you like seeing arrogant politicians and stupid kool-aid drinkers being made fun of.

And the number one reason to read PRU...

1.) You don't have to press "1" for English.


Anonymous said...

Love the slideshow, love the PRU commentary, love the blogs, LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

The Prma is an immature, ridiculous group of overgrown pompous children lacking any guidance except for the arrogant a$#es Carl and Larson. Why doesn't Larson offer up his church for sunday suppers and lockins? Or any of the other 11+ prma phony churches? Because they don't have true support for their cause.

Anonymous said...

If we all work together and promote mutual love and respect, 2009 may not suck as much as 2008.

Happy New Year

Anonymous said...


By the way if your tired of the planes already - come on down to the PK Library this Saturday at 1:30pm
for a workshop and the latest scoop!

Here's the address for the IOC to tell them " we don't need no stinking
Olympics and their additional two runways":

International Olympics
Chateau De Vidy 1007
Lausanne, Switzerland

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Pru! Thanks for everything you do.

MIKE said...

2 additional runway?

What the hell are you talking about?

We only had 1 built.

Anonymous said...

And a Happy New Year to you, PRU Crew.

Thanks for another year of helping inform those of us who can't get to all the meetings or aren't as good at digging up the truth of what's going on in Park Ridge government. Without you guys and PublicWatchdog, we'd be lost (although you seem to have forced the two local rags to raise their game somewhat, which itself is an accomplishment).


Anonymous said...


If the plans reach completion, there will be two additional runways along with the one that was just opened.

Anonymous said...

Ministerial group to host Sunday suppers:

The Park Ridge Ministerial Association will begin sponsoring "Sunday Night Suppers" for those who are homeless or living in poverty on Jan. 18.

St. Luke's Lutheran Church's weekly newsletter reported this week that the suppers will take place every Sunday at 6 p.m. in the Morello Parish Life Center at St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church, 320 S. Washington St. "All who are hungry or homeless are welcome," the newsletter read.

St. Paul currently operates a food pantry that provides non-perishable items to dozens of needy families and homeless individuals living in Park Ridge and surrounding areas.

The above was in the Advocate yesterday. I was guessing I would be reading a ton of comments about it today. This seems like a year round thing. Don't all the same objections that have been hashed through apply, at least to some degree?? Just curious!!

Anonymous said...

Mike - ORD has long term plans
to build another two ( 2 ) runways out at O'Hare.

9L/27 R was suppose to be only for emergencies and overlap.

Speaking of emergencies...this means that any aircraft on fire, no landing gear, pwr loss ...will be pushed over our heads and pointed
at 9L/27R in hopes of landing ????

Take that to the bank!

Anything Daley can do to help increase HIS revenue - is alright
with him and the city followers.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@2:33 said -- 9L/27 R was suppose to be only for emergencies and overlap.

Please, oh please please please, point us to a source document that says that.

Anonymous said...

PRU try this link: http://egov.cityofchicago.org:80/city/webportal/portalContentItemAction.do?BV_SessionID=@@@@1846230266.1230938110@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccccadegdlmhkikcefecelldffhdfhm.0&contentOID=536902901&contenTypeName=COC_EDITORIAL&topChannelName=SubAgency&blockName=OHare+Modernization+Program%2FI+Want+To&context=dept&channelId=0&programId=0&entityName=OHare+Modernization+Program&deptMainCategoryOID=

Paragraph 2 refers to bad weather use.

MIKE said...

And do we know where the new runways will be?

We already have 4.

The 2 east-west routes and the 2 SW routes.

Anonymous said...

We may find out today at the mtg/workshop - PK Library 1:30pm

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anon@2:21 yep, all the same objections apply. I think bloggers are stunned that the PRMA doesn’t understand that the city made it possible for them to host a shelter by adding it to our exclusionary Zoning Ordinance. All they had to do was follow reasonable rules.

Anonymous said...

Here is that paragraph 2:

"...The first step in the modernization process is to build and open the far north-runway Future Runway 9L-27R). When operational, this runway will provide delay reduction during bad weather. During bad weather, the current airfield can only accommodate two arrival streams. The new north runway will allow the airport to accommodate three arrival streams."

So for all who keep saying the new runway was for bad weather only, this is NOT what I read. This says it allows 3 arrival streams to reduce delays during bad weather. This would be an upgrade from the current 2 arrival streams. What it doesnt say is that the runway would only be used during bad weather...

Anonymous said...

Mike @ 5:35:

Check out the link that Anon@5:18. It show the current and proposed runways. But there are 7 now and not 4 (unless you meant that affect PR) and 3 others are planned with 2 current ones being retired.

Until recently there were 2 E-W, 2 SW-NE and 2 NW-SE. Now there are 3 E-W, 2 SW-NE and 2 NW-SE. The final plan was for 8 total (6 E-W and 2 SW-NE)

Another 9/27 (E-W) was planned for in between the new one and the one that planes approach over the highway. (south of Higgins area)
This one would also affect PR.

The other 2 are at the south end of the airport grounds and shouldnt really make a difference to PR.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:57

Don't kid yourself, they FULLY understand what the city allowed for them. They CHOOSE not to see what's spelled out in front of them. They Choose to NOT follow the rules because they feel that the rules that apply to EVERYONE else DO NOT apply to them.

And who remembers how sorry the PRMA was for mishandling this situation when it was first offered at St. Marys, saying they could have done better in including the neighborhood and the city for that matter when working out the PADS thing, then turned around and made the identicle mistakes when moving it to St. Paul.

But wait..... did they just decide to open a "soup kitchen" without shareing that decision with the community? No that can't be, they were soooo sorry for all the divisivness and miscomunication they wouldn't possibly do this without some community information....would they?

I sure hope there are no licenses or any city required rules that may apply to one of these things and they are going ahead without following those rules. People might get the wrong idea about the PRMA.

Anonymous said...

Let me just beat the rush and call for a "Soup Kitchen" referendum.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here is a recent interview with Rosie Andolino stating that the new runway is primarily a bad weather runway.


My understanding is that when the plans are completed there will be 6 East/West runways. One of the new ones will go over Granville. It will also be a longer runway than the new one. So, it will be able to land much larger planes.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:41:

The new runway is able to handle any commercial aricraft up to and including the 747-400.

Anonymous said...

Correct on the two new runways - planned for glide paths over Park Ridge.

It will be a total of eight ( 8 )
for the mighty Daley and his

MIKE said...

You know I was just thinking since a good precentages of incomming flights are transfers and perhaps some of them should be deverted to Michell Field in Milwaukee.

I don't know if it's one of those easier said than done cases but just a thought.

Anonymous said...


It would never work unless money and resourses are poured in to Mitchell Field. If you diverted flights to Mitchell, there would not be enough connecting flights to service moving passangers to their ultimate distination.

If you are just talking about flying thos passangers who ultimately want to go to Milwaukee then you have an equipment issue. You would have a plane in Milwaukee with virtually no passangers. That is why, in todays these shorter distance flights are handled by regional service companies.