January 29, 2009

The Long Goodbye.


Vote to Impeach Rod Blagojevich

59 Yes -- 0 No.

Thank you Senators.

It's only a matter of time -- we hope that time comes today.

From chicagotribune.com

"Ellis told senators that Blagojevich wanted to raise $2.5 million by year’s end and engaged in three schemes of coercion.

One involved an $8 million grant to Children's Memorial Hospital that he wanted to result in a $50,000 campaign contribution."
The $8 million dollar grant was for "a statewide pediatric medical-care initiative to pay hundreds of doctors to treat poor sick children throughout Illinois." (the background story)

We feel there is a special place in hell for Rod Blagojevich.


Anonymous said...

Its a case of believing his own BS.
That's the way it is with career politicians.

They cannot understand fact from fiction.

It all boils back to Daley and his machine.

As the saying goes ...Just outside Cook County is a whole state called Illinois.

Daley and his blowhards don't get

Now we have another Gov out on bond, out of a job and enroute to federal prison ( if convicted ).

Now Daley and the machine from the city alderman to any dem state rep or senator...all belong to him.

Daley has the direct line to Obama's desk in the WH.

Anonymous said...

Hey PRU,

Looks like you are coloring outside the lines again.

Just what does "Pay to Play" have to do with Park Ridge???

Oh yeah, wait, that's right.

Anonymous said...

Hey PRU:

Looks like your full of yourself. Thanking the Senators as if any of them would take the time to read this blog.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@6:31 --

We figure our meter doesn't lie, so thanks are in order -- though we have to admit some member or members of the house gop seem to find us more interesting.

Anonymous said...

Special place in hell for Blogojevich? Probably right next to the spot reserved for Nick Blase.

Anonymous said...

Yes...I believe Mayor Stephens is there getting everything ready for them.

Anonymous said...

DE is running the place - what do you think!

Its called the "Hall of Shame".

Let's see..........

- Nixon

- Walker

- Ryan

- Blago

- Blaze

Its a cast of characters
and maybe Howie can fit right in

Now, the Dem's are asking to rasie the sales tax with another Ref ?

Nice job slipping that past the voters and onto the ballots for April!

And the hits just keep on coming..

Anonymous said...

PRU---I love that you are looking at the meter.
You wouldn't believe the people who are reading this blog these days!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 5:48am

A little early to be hittin the sauce isn't it?

"Now, the Dem's are asking to rasie the sales tax with another Ref ?"

From the HA:

" the Maine Township Town Board approved another advisory question asking voters if they would support the continuation of Cook County's 1 percentage point sales tax increase that was passed last year."

From what I know, there is only one DEM on the Maine Board.

Also, I believe the referendum question was requested by REP and DEM state representatives and/or senators. I think the goal is to show that there is no support for the increase, to try to pressure the county to roll back the increase. I recall reading an article about businesses close to the county line being greatly impacted by the tax increase.

And who is DE? Dwight Eisenhower?

Anonymous said...

Newly minted Gov. Pat Quinn ... said he will push for a constitutional amendment that would give voters the ability to recall elected officials.

Now only if it applies to mayors and aldermen, we will be in business!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 5:48, you're mistaken...the Dems are not asking for an increase in sales tax. There is an advisory referendum question asking if we should continue so support the collection of the last cook county increase in sales tax.

Now it looks like Bach will not be able to put the Christine's request for $150,000 on the ballot. Apparently on 3 referendum questions are allowed. Wouldn't it make sense to lose Wsol's meaningless redundant, makes no sense anyway, 2nd question about O'Hare?

Anonymous said...

So you think that either the City Council or Howard would do something that made SENSE??

That is about as likely as Howard changing his mind about answering questions from citizens in an open forum!

Not going to happen.

Gotta stick to the script, you know.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Howard...
you have to call Florida...
its Friday..right !!
