January 6, 2009

You May Hate Us Today.

It is not our intention to have you hate us. But we understand that sometimes those offering a message that won't be well received become a target -- a shoot the messenger response that is all too common. However, when we decided to begin blogging, we pledged to ourselves that we would speak the truth as we understand it and offer our honest opinion on public policy matters for review.

Today's post will be exactly that.

On the issue of the new 9L/27R O'Hare runway, and O'Hare expansion in general --

The PRU Crew is of the opinion that we are all screwed. The PRU Crew is of the opinion that there is nothing that can be done to undo the new runway opening -- it is not going to be closed. The PRU Crew is of the opinion that litigation would be a losing proposition in terms of reducing runway usage or reinstating flight caps, and would prove so costly that undertaking such an effort is not worth either the time or expense; a lesson our involvement in the Suburban O'Hare Commission should be seen as having taught us all.

We would be more than pleased to be proven wrong on all fronts, from every angle.

As we have researched the history of this issue, we've come to understand that our elected officials and the local press failed us on so many occasions and in so many ways we can't count them. And still we can't make any claims about not knowing this was coming our way.

Going forward, we see some potential for relief through compensation for reduced property values -- both for the property owners and the City of Park Ridge. Please note, such "relief" is not the same as "relief" from jet noise, frequency of flights, nor reductions in pollution -- people should ask themselves the difficult question as to whether they would be willing to accept monetary relief or not, because that form of relief is all we see as being potentially available, even though we also see that potential as very very remote.

Also going forward, we hope Park Ridge voters will consider the history of the issue and take note of those elected officials who did and did not do their jobs on our behalf. The Pub-dogs have an excellent post which discusses some of the more recent history of (in)actions on the part of Park Ridge elected officials concerning O'Hare expansion.

Finally, to the ORD-REST.com group being lead by Christine Kutt Zolt --

1. -- Would you please consider getting rid of the auto-play jet noise on your site? Those clicking in from work are less likely to do so if the rest of their work mates will also be subject to jet noises at the office -- keep in mind, those most interested in your site are probably those already being subjected to jet noise, so more of the same seems like salt in the wound.

2. -- As we previously stated and feel is worth repeating -- we would be more than pleased to be proven wrong on all fronts, from every angle. We wish you the best of luck and if we come across anything we feel may be helpful or useful to your cause, we will pass it along.

3. -- Anyone who is suffering under the delusion of believing the issue of O'Hare expansion is not about politics, or that politics can be kept out of the discussion, should read this speech, given on June 16, 2008 by the Acting Director of the FAA -- and we quote, "Airport expansions are hard to accomplish and this has been a tough political fight. This makes completion of the entire plan even more critical. Mayor, stay the course. Even greater days are ahead for O’Hare."

4. -- Seeking relief for one area of Park Ridge could subject another area of Park Ridge to all the noise, pollution, and safety concerns residents along Belle Plaine are now aware of. We know that there are those in Park Ridge who are very pleased with the shift in air traffic, because this shift has provided them with some relief from the constant noise. Be advised, we've received some pointed correspondence from those folks who feel "ORD-REST is nothing but a bunch of *%$#, who never gave a *%$# about any "safety concerns" when the planes weren't flying directly over their own precious property." We've politely responded that as one part of Park Ridge goes, so goes all of Park Ridge; it's in everyone's best interest to work together.

5. -- We feel at this point one of the best hopes for Park Ridge is the completion of the southern-most runways in the O'Hare expansion plan -- those runways may again shift some air traffic away from the Touhy/Belle Plaine/Devon approaches to O'Hare.

6. -- And we recognize this may be the most distasteful part of the message, but -- there is virtually no denying that O'Hare Airport is one hell of an economic generator for the region. We fully recognize that Park Ridge is taking it up the backside in suffering for the sake of the economic benefits others will enjoy, particularly the City of Chicago. But we hope that when the arguments for relief are made, those doing so will keep in mind there are benefits too.

Let the beating of the PRU Crew begin -- we'll understand.

Addendum -- Press Release just received.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Statement from Park Ridge Alderman Dave Schmidt, candidate for Park Ridge Mayor, on the O'Hare runway issue

Howard Frimark has failed the residents of Park Ridge on the O'Hare runway issue to the point that they have been forced to take matters into their own hands. I respect, admire and applaud citizen activism. That is why I commend the organizers and members of ORD-REST, the newly-created organization working for relief from the noise and pollution caused by the new runway. In one month's time, these citizens have done more to address the problems presented by the new runway than the entire Park Ridge city government has done since the plans for the new runway configuration were unveiled in 2001.

But as much as I support the efforts of ORD-REST, for which I serve as a member on its legal subcommittee, I must question how and why we have reached the point where our citizens are forced to do for themselves what the duly elected City officials should have been doing on their behalf years ago. Unfortunately, Frimark did nothing since taking office in May 2005 to address the many issues posed by the new runway until the horse had left the barn and was flying over the residents' heads.

Unlike most other member communities of the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission ("ONCC") which recognized the importance of being represented at ONCC meetings by their mayors, since his election in 2005, Frimark has consistently chosen to pawn off his duties on aldermanic surrogates, thereby conveying the unmistakable message to our fellow member communities, the City of Chicago and the Federal Aviation Administration that the ONCC and the new runway itself meant little to Park Ridge.

Back in June 2005, just a month after taking office, Frimark met with Mayor Daley in what was described in the August 2005 Spokesman as a "congenial and positive meeting" in which Frimark asked Daley "that we be kept informed about all developments that will affect the citizens of Park Ridge." Frimark, however, completely dropped the ball after that. In fact, he was advised at a December 2005 City Council meeting by then-Alderman Jeannie Markech that O'Hare expansion was going to have a significant impact on Park Ridge, and that Frimark, himself, should be attending the main ONCC meetings to safeguard the interests of Park Ridge residents. However, he ignored that caution. In February 2006, Markech again implored Frimark to attend the ONCC meetings. ONCC records reflect he went to just one. Incredibly, even after the new runway opened in November 2008 and the residents were up in arms, Frimark chose not to attend the December ONCC meeting in Rosemont, a meeting that I did attend along with more than 100 very angry and concerned Park Ridge residents.

Because of Frimark's total neglect of this issue, we will never know what concessions, considerations and benefits Park Ridge might have achieved had he actively participated in ONCC meetings when it really mattered. In typical Frimark fashion, however, not only does he refuse to acknowledge his failure to lead when it mattered most, he is blaming others for his own failings and using his office as our top elected official to do nothing more than cheerlead the citizens from the sidelines as they try to salvage what they can in the way of noise and air pollution reduction. To deflect criticism, Frimark and his political allies are now claiming that they were duped by the City of Chicago into believing that the runway would only be used on occasion and only by small planes. However, in a letter to Frimark which is posted on the City of Park Ridge website, the FAA states that "[p]rojected usage of the runways was disclosed in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and source documents made available for public review and comment….The FAA met with and provided information to the ONCC and communities surrounding O'Hare…prior to approving [Chicago's] requested runway alignment." The FAA letter also states that the EIS reflected the runway would be used for all types of aircraft. In other words, if Frimark had been paying attention and attending the ONCC meetings, he would have known the real situation and perhaps been in a position to do something about it.

What can we hope to achieve at this late date? Unfortunately, Frimark's neglect has left us with few alternatives, none of which will likely have a significant impact on the problems faced by the residents most affected by the new runway. We can push for noise monitors and soundproofing money, a process which should have been started years ago. We can hope that the federal government frees up funding for the planned additional southern runways. However, that solution is still years away. Our ORD-REST legal subcommittee can explore possible legal remedies, but litigation is expensive and there is no way to guarantee success. Finally, we can urge, cajole and beg our federal elected representatives to come to our aid. They may be our only hope. Frimark has given us none.

Contact Dave at
or at (847) 430-3165


Anonymous said...

To me it feels like the past few years Mayor Frimark has been "phoning it in" and has been absent for more than we know about. The town is FALLING APART and now he wants another term? Are you KIDDING ME? It's worse than the story about Jeb Bush running for president in 2012. DO YOU THINK WE ARE THAT STUPID HOWIE?

PRU--not hating you today. Thanks for the great post.

Anonymous said...

I think Mayor Daley knows exactly how vocal and organized Park Ridge residents can be when they are ticked off. The immediate commencement of 300+ planes a day flying over one area of Park Ridge is a great way to get Park Ridge riled up, isn't it? And why would they want to do that, maybe? So that those residents follow the one avenue that might provide them with some relief... that avenue is encouraging the faster completion of the Mayor's entire O'Hare expansion project, in the hope that the additional runways might divert some landings away from the runway that takes planes over their own homes. I think we're being used as tools to achieve the Mayor's ultimate goal, which is full expansion. If we are going to encourage expansion and additional runways (probably our best option), let's fight for some enforceable guarantees that 9L/27R will end up with less flights if the expansion occurs.

Great post, PRU. The truth hurts, but highlights yet again how badly we need new leadership around here. Vote for Schmidt!!

Anonymous said...

no beatings coming from me. i thought it was a great post. sensible, straightforward, and honest. well said.

Anonymous said...

A quote attributed to William Penn seems appropriate to this runway issue: "Never give out while there is hope; but hope not beyond reason, for that shows more desire than judgment."

To PRU's point, those of you in the 5th, 6th and southern part of the 4th wards have just started experiencing what those of us in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and northern parts of the 4th ward have experienced for years from runways 22R and 22L, and what SOC has not been able to stop despite spending multimillions of dollars over decades. We should not, therefore, let our desire for relief from these aerial assaults over-ride our reason and judgment.

We also need to accept that the best opportunity for affecting this situation in a way favorable to Park Ridge was BEFORE the runway was built and opened, not now that O'Hare, the FAA and the airlines have committed over $500,000,000 to it. And we have to accept that not only did Frimark and the Council miserably fail Park Ridge by doing nothing then - but the rest of us, including the people who now are members of ORD-REST, did likewise by not paying attention and not choosing representatives any better than ourselves.

Consequently, we should not let regret or shame over prior neglect and missed opportunities override reason and judgment to goad us into senseless kamikaze missions with no realistic chance of success.

"Don't just stand there, do something" is a normal reaction to situations such as this. But reason and judgment need to serve as checks on such tendencies so that we don't throw good money - and good effort - after bad.

Thank you, PRU, for having the insight and the courage to point that out.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Dave:

Everything you say in your press release is true. This is one item on a list of reasons why I think Mayor Frimark will not win another term, although I think it is a bit early to offer you my congratulations. I would not want to jinx you.

The only thing that is a bit disappointing to me is the timing of your statement. I would have perfered to see it in your first year as alderman. I realize that the mayor is the leader of city government and, as you stated, Mayor Frimark receives a failing grade from me on the issue.

Unfortunately, the only statement I can find from you on this issue (the one you released today) also comes after "the horse had left the barn and was flying over the residents' heads".

Anonymous said...

I hear what you are saying. I can only say that until a few weeks ago, my focus was on being a good alderman for my constituents. Obviously the job of mayor is different than the job of alderman; that is one of the points I was trying to make.

Anonymous said...

Don't hate you at all. I actually thought it was one of your best posts. You have said what many others (in the press) are afraid to say. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Ald Schmidt-though you were elected to serve the people of your ward-but you are in fact one of only 7 members on the PR city council. Your job therefore is to serve all of the people of Park Ridge.

The realities of the new runway and the negative impact it is having are not just on those wards directly affected, but on all of Park Ridge. As Mayor Daley continues to push through ORD expansion, many more homes in PR will be affected.

As the property values are dropping for the estimated 1200 homes that are affected by the new runway, the tax base for the city will decrease. As a result the city, the schools and the park district will be collecting less tax revenue. It may not happen this year or next-but it will happen. The quality of the services we receive from the city will go down and they are already pretty pathetic. Tax rates will have to rise to cover the revenue shortfall. So even if you live somewhere in PR and are not affected by the noise-you will likely see even more of an increase in your property taxes. Our infrastructure is falling apart-they need our tax dollars to pay to fix it all.

The schools and the PR park district will receive less money as the tax base shrinks. Guess what-they will want to raise your tax rate, too. Get ready to pay more money to the schools and the prpd.

So those of you on the north side of town can say all you want about not caring about the noise generated by the new runway. You say "we have always had it, now someone else can suffer like we have for the last 37 years so get used to it."

That's just the point. When you bought your homes in the northern area of PR you knew the plane noise was part of the deal-unless you bought your home more than 37 years ago. You paid accordingly for your home and its value for market and tax purposes over the years has been based on this.

Anyone in the 5th ward etc who bought their home between about 1972 and 2005 (when funding for the new runway was approved) has not had runway issues to deal with. Therefore, the value of our property reflected this. The conveniences of ORD without much noise. This has been taken from us and the quality of our lives and our children's education at the 4 schools affected has been diminished significantly.

And for purposes of our mayoral election, this is the issue. Not the homeless shelter or a meal for the hungry. Mayor Frimark and the other alderman who blew off this issue were elected to act in our best interest. They should have been out in front of this issue. They failed and they failed miserabley. The consequences of this failure will likely have significant negative consequences for PR (just as a casino walking distance from Maine South will).

So though your post today points out the realities-try not to rain to hard on the parade of anyone trying to mitigate and minimize the negative impacts of the new runway. All of Park RIdge will benefit from whatever positive changes may result.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous January 6, 2009 4:44 PM:

Yeah, the casino.

Where was Frimark while that was going down for the past few years? Did he appear before the Illinois Gaming Commission to argue for compensation related to increased traffic and perhaps crime? Did he negotiate some revenue sharing with Des Plaines (and his buddy Mayor Arredia)?

You guessed it, the same place he was while the new runway was being built. Chasing land deals for a new police station.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing 444. You are completely correct that aldermen are supposed to serve the interests of all residents. My point is that the mayor was in a position to do what I and the other aldermen could not, and that was to provide the highest level representation possible for the City at the main ONCC meetings in 2005-07 when that representation might have had some positive impact. And I think my press release pointed out that I applaud the residents' efforts and in fact I am trying to help them. I am hopeful we can achieve some relief, but we are getting a very late start.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Dave:

Thanks for the reply. I kine a man who answers his own mail. Based on all the e-mails I have sent recently on the runway to local, state and federal elected officials answering ones own is a rare thing - trust me!!!

I guess the above poster touched on part of what I was going to say. I can appreciate you serving those in your ward and I am sure they appreciate it as well. But the reality is that what you are known for is issues related to all of Park Ridge. PADS, developers, Napelton, police station, closed meetings, Cumberland all are city issues just like the runway.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 4:44,

I'm wondering, what have been the other Aldermen's statements about this issue?

Since Aldermen DiPietro, Wsol, and Allegretti have been on the Council longer than Alderman Schmidt, I would like to understand what their actions have been.

I would like to see their respective addresses to your concerns for the diminished value of your property, and I note that you avoided the topic of safety and pollution that is also part of the new voice of awareness on this issue, and what I believe I understand to be the galling aspect of the *new awareness* for those living on the North side of Park Ridge.

From your comment, I assume you live in the 5th ward, what has your Alderman said to you about this issue? What has your Alderman done?

Your Alderman served on the Dist. 64 School Board for a number of years before becoming an Alderman, was he unaware of the O'Hare expansion and its potential effects on Park Ridge Schools?

I believe you have a very very legitimate beef with the elected officials in this town. I would like to point out though that you and just about everyone else ignored this issue until it came screaming over your home.

While Alderman Dave has been doing the lion's share of pushing for the interests of Park Ridge residents, your own Alderman, I assume, along with almost every other Alderman has not given this issue even a passing comment until now.

While Alderman Dave has been taking up the flag on just about every other issue that people find threatening to the quality of life we have here in Park Ridge, and I for one can tell you I find unregulated homeless shelters and soup kitchens far more threatening than airplane noise, the Alderman actually assigned the task of paying attention to the O'Hare expansion issue has said and done next to nothing, except to claim he was lied to.

But I have read the city's website and seen what the FAA response to him was, and they said point blank that the information he should have been sharing with us was there for his taking. I have to assume he didn't do his job.

I don't feel I have the right to have expected Alderman Dave to do Alderman Bach's or Mayor Frimark's job. I also don't feel that Alderman Dave was barking at the people now trying to fix this mess.

I really feel your mindset is all wrong Anonymous. Just like you and me and almost everyone else, this issue didn't seem to grab Alderman Dave's attention until it was too late, but Alderman Dave wasn't supposed to be the guy paying attention or spearheading any effort.

Anonymous said...

I meant no offense to the Alderman or you by my comments. It is just that when a politician issues a press release condemning his opponent (again all that he said was true) I tend to take a look at that persons record on the issue as well. One could make your same argument in saying Alderman Dave was not supposed to be the guy paying attention on the PADS issue.

I believe you are were correct when you said "this issue didn't seem to grab Alderman Dave's attention until it was too late". I can completely relate to that. I moved here 5 years ago and guess when the issue caught my attention - November 20th.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 5:37,

I take a look at politicians records too, and what I see here is that Alderman Bach was assigned to pay attention by Mayor Frimark, but didn't do his job.

Mayor Frimark was asked to pay attention to this issue but didn't do his job.

I did not see anyone asking Alderman Schmidt to pay attention to this issue unlike with the homeless shelter regulations where all the Aldermen and Mayor were asked to pay attention.

I also see only Alderman Dave and Alderman Bach paying attention now. I haven't heard anything from the other guys, and Mayor Frimark didn't even bother to go to the December noise meeting about the new runway.

I can't fault Alderman Schmidt for not getting ahead on this issue. As others have said, the time for action was a minimum of a number of years ago.

I don't feel any offense by your comments, I just don't agree with how you are considering this issue in the political context.

I would like to believe, and I have seen evidence that my belief is supported, that if Alderman Schmidt were Mayor Schmidt some number of years ago, that we would at least have had our Mayor at the noise meetings speaking for us. I don't blame Mayor Frimark for not stopping this thing. I blame him for not even representing us when he could have.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 5:22-I agree. All the alderman failed on this right along with the Mayor. And though many of them were not on the council back in early 2000 to work on this-I resented Ald Schmidt's comment that he is to represent only the people of his ward. In addition, perhaps this should have been an issue that they pursued or got updated on once they took office. Ald Bach is the only one who has demonstrated any action on this matter. So don't attack me. You should have read my post more carefully.

But I could not disagree with you more on the issue of plane noise over a soup kitchen. God forbid a priest or minister or church misnister to those in need. The issue of the plane noise and ORD expansion-I am not a scientist so I cannot speak about the dangers of what is being spewed on us-is far more detrimental to PR than feeding or housing homeless one night a week for the winter months. Over time as our town suffers for what ORD expansion will bring to us more and more people will not want to live here any more. The prices of our homes will keep going down and we may eventually become another predominantly industrial park like Elk Grove and Bensenville and Wood Dale, etc.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@5:58 --

Would you please point us in the direction of Bach's action? We must have missed it.

MIKE said...

Can somebody tell me where you get 37 years from?

The airport has existed much longer than that?

Anonymous said...

PRU-at least he attended more than one meeting of the ONCC. Far more than worthless Mayor Frimark or any of the other alderman. Those are the only actions I speak of.

But having been at the town hall meeting at Maine South in late December-I am not sure that the ONCC is that effective of a group for the issues that face PR.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Anon@6:21 --

Of course he did. He's the liaison! You know that, don't you? He was appointed to the position of liaison to the ONCC by Mayor Frimark.

We have our issues with the ONCC and some of their measures -- we surely have issues with the scope of their mandate.

We do recognize who provides their funding and we do understand they are operating within their limited mandate and by-laws.

We also recognize that they had and have as much control over the Daley O'Hare expansion plan as Park Ridge does alone or even as part of the ONCC membership.

And Daley is sly -- he recognized long ago that politicians would rather provide constituents with the pork of sound insulation dollars than with legal bills for what would probably be a losing battle.

Daley also recognized that among many of the member communities in the ONCC there are competing interests regarding the O'Hare expansion plan.

What we find to be most regretable is that the elected officials from all the member communities long ago settled for a scoop of insulation soup instead of requesting more meaty dishes.

Anonymous said...

PRU-I realize he was the liason so he "had" to attend. But Frimark is the mayor and the supposed leader of PR so he should have attended and been vocal about what is in our best interest. But he failed. So I am not neccessarily giving Bach a big thank you but recognizing where he has been on this matter since taking office. Where have the other alderman been?

The rest of your last post makes several very legit points. So when dealing with Mayor Daley-we must recognize this man does not fight fair and we have to recognize the risks and rewards of going to war with him. But this is our town-not his.

Mike-As I understand it-this is the first new runway in 37 years(or 38 or 40 depending on which source you use).

MIKE said...

If you were just referring to the last runway built then I undertsnd now.


I didn't quite get it.

And just for the record the last runway was the southwest runway over the center of town.

So therefore airplane noise isn't exactly new in that area let alone with the fact you've always had plane taking off passing over.

Anonymous said...

Great comments and feedback.
We can only now know what those fighting at the Alamo felt like when surrounded.

Is it hopeless or should we just lay down and roll over!

Remember - the FAA owns the skies!

Anonymous said...

I am truly amazed by this conversation today...it's remarkable in so many ways...

If only people knew just how often and to what lengths Frimark and his pets have gone to do everything possible to duck any responsibility or accountability on the issue of jet noise and the OMP...

I'd luuurve for somebody to ask Ald. Allegretti why he declined to take a voting seat on the ONCC's residential sound insulation committee when a place was made available...or why Frimark declined to appoint Allegretti to that position...or why it was okay with Frimark to send a full-time, unelected, city-staff member to those meetings...and why Frimark allowed that attendance to lapse...

How about asking Frimark why he never bothered to look into the possibility of a $750,000.00 grant availalbe through the ONCC and FAA for land-use planning...you know...like the planning that's been done for the Higgin's Corridoor...

Indeed! Frimark has failed...beyond every reasonable measure...

For the Anonymous commenters "disappointed" that Alderman Dave failed to take notice of this issue before the opening of the new runway...do you people not understand the role of a liaison...? The responsibility of a liaison, in this instance Alderman Bach, is to report back to the City Council the goings on at the meetings he or she attends...

So...why didn't the ONCC activities, OMP, lifting of flight caps, new runway opening, and impending jet noise "register" with any of the other Aldermen...?

Likely because in the 18 months Alderman Bach has served on the council and acted in his role as the Park Ridge City Council liaison to the ONCC, Alderman Bach has delivered a grand total of ZERO reports to his fellow council members on anything having to do with O'Hare, the ONCC, OMP, lifting of flight caps, the new runway opening, and the soon to be experienced jet noise.

Heckuva job, Bach-y!

I'm stunningly unsurprised by the council's "failure" to give their attention to this matter...

Bach just isn't the sort of "quality individual" we should have serving on the city council.

Anonymous said...

Anon @444: Do you really think your taxes will go down?

Anonymous said...


I admit to the mental illness of going through the City Council minutes, meeting by meeting, since Bach became an alderman. And you appear to be right: NO REPORTS ON ONCC stuff!!!!!!

I know there's a term for that kind of negligence, but I'm not quite sure which one to use: "Missing in action"? "AWOL"? "Head up his butt"? "Clueless"? Or "Lights on but nobody home"?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4:44pm,

"That's just the point. When you bought your homes in the northern area of PR you knew the plane noise was part of the deal-unless you bought your home more than 37 years ago. You paid accordingly for your home and its value for market and tax purposes over the years has been based on this."

You haven't been up to the North part of town lately have you? You should not keep the idea that the 5th ward is all that. Don't be such a house proud town mouse.

Anonymous said...

Bean, THANK YOU for your post. I was going crazy reading the discussion!

Apparently some people really don't know what a liason is. To lay this on Alderman Dave is just plain wrong. This was the Mayor and Bach, and the Bach was appointed so the mayor would have a scapegoat. Don't you people see that? He would NEVER have appointed Alderman Dave. If he had, Alderman Dave would have gone and reported back, publicly no less, and that would have then required the mayor to actually DO SOMETHING! It's all a set up. "If we're all incompetent, none of us will look bad." It's gov't's favorite game. They lower themselves to the least common denominator, and the minute someone breaks ranks and actually attempts to improve, (or work), the rest of them turn on him/her and devour him/her. It's how they save themselves....and we like idiots keep electing and paying them. I started my career in a gov't job and now work the other side, so I interact with them daily. You would never again pay any tax if you knew.

As far as the poster who thinks that taxes will go down because the homes have decreased in value; you must be kidding. What world are you living in? Plane noise or no plane noise, your property taxes are 'movin' on up'; sales tax revenues are wayyyy down do to the economy...and the mayor needs to pay Napleton somehow!

Anonymous said...

The tax collections will initially go down because the value of our property which serves as the tax base will go down because of the change is the environment surrounding and in PR. In addition, who wants to build new development in PR now that we have been thrown under the ORD bus by Daley and Frimark and the rest of the city council members whose lack of action and initiative on the matter of ORD expansion has screwed us over. Are people going to be rushing to teardown older homes and build new McMansions in PR? The answer is most likely no. Guess what-the tax base for PR goes down. Then if people don't want to live here any more the already meager commercial sales tax base we have will also go down. No people to shop at the stores and buy Starbucks so less sales tax revenue. The school system will suffer, the PRPD will suffer-all making for even more reasons to get out of PR or not move here at all. This is what is likely to happen to this town.

And why have so many of you who post regularly to this blog annointed Dave Schmidt the second coming of Jesus Christ? Some of you think this man can do not wrong. Why? He is just a man, lawyer and politician-what makes you think he is the answer to all the problems we have in PR. Granted Frimark is not the answer so just getting him out of office will be a huge step forward and thankfully someone is challenging Frimark.

And I was not attacking Schmidt. Merely commenting that he along with Frimark, Ryan, Wsol, Allegretti, Carey, etc it appears did not even bother to ask for any updates on the matter of ORD expansion and its affects to PR.

One last comment-thank you Bean for your interesting questions. It would be nice if someone in the know might answer them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the feed back.

Anonymous at 1141,

Your understanding of the Crook County property tax system is a wee bit off... No, "initial" tax collections will NOT "go down"...property tax collections are based on your assessed valuation...done every three years and Maine just went through a reassessment...and the Crook County Assessor determines the formula which meets the dollar amount levied by a taxing body, such as the City of Park Ridge. This is a simplistic explanation, believe it or not, but again...NO, NO, NO, "initial" collections will not go down.

The City collects roughly 30% of its revenue from property taxes, but a mere fraction...around $900,000...of revenue is collected from property transfer taxes which are ALWAYS a function of market conditions. Those property transfer collections have been and likely will continue to decline in the current economic atmosphere. Ditto for permit fees.

Additionally, development is ALWAYS speculative...so there will certainly be those who will look to buy older homes, tear them down and build something new and bigger...the "difference" might be in how much bigger and whether cheaper materials are used...but again...newer means more pricey, and reflects the developers costs, including carrying costs... Right now, those with a good cash position might buy and hold (and rent) until construction lending becomes more viable.

As an aside...you should re-read the above...and understand why balancing a city budget on ANYTHING other than the "sure bet" of property tax revenues is risky business...and why the current state of the city budget is what it is...because they didn't pay attention to the SOURCES of revenue being used/projected to "balance" the city budget...

Despite all the drawbacks...an understatement, to be sure...of ORD's new runways, do not be foolish enough to think that development and home sales won't continue to occur...just take a look at all the new homes built in the North of Park Ridge, *while all those rotten planes were flying low and loud over those properties*.

As for your contention that Dave Schmidt has been "annointed...the second coming of Jesus Christ"...since Alderman Dave knows who I am, I'll leave it to him to assure you that while I might often use the phrase, "Jesus Christ!" in addressing him...it's never been in any complimentary fashion. He might even tell you I'm one of his toughest critics...and I tend to be habitual and predictable in that way...and I have no intention of changing for anybody...pppfffttt!

However, as far as I can see, Alderman Dave is the ONLY council member who has proven himself to be a consistent champion of good public policy...even when I have vehemently disagreed with him, when we have argued about a subject I have never gotten the impression his motives were anything other than good public policy, considered more deeply than the sidewalk-puddle-depth of thought the other Alderman give to most issues.

Again...it is the job of a liaison to make reports. If that is not being done, then it is the Chief Executive who should be making such a request of his appointee...all else is moot.

Regarding the questions I posed...I would suggest you not hold your breath waiting for answers from the elected officials in question...I'm sure you would not look good in an oxygen-deprived shade of blue.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bean. I do understand how the property tax system works in Cook County. And yes we were just reassessed and are paying taxes for the next three years based on our 2006 property values-which are a bit high given the current market and now the ORD issue. However, this is a long term issue and the affects of ORD expansion may not happen today but will over time diminish the value of property in this town. At the end of the day, those left in PR will be hit with higher tax rates on property that is worth less than it was previously. Their property net worth is down but the cost to live here will go up as the city and the schools and the PRPD raise tax rates to keep tax collections high enough to support costs.

The city services we receive for the taxes we pay are already spotty. If we stay and put up with what we are putting up with today in terms of ORD and what the future expansion may bring, we will be paying more taxes and getting less. For many of us with kids in the schools, the option to leave is a difficult one. So therefore, we will try to fight Mayor Daley and the FAA and salvage what we can.

Thanks for your comments on Schmidt. I still think after all the council meetings Schmidt has participated in, he could have asked for an update from the liason to the ONCC meetings when the liason failed to provide one.

Anonymous said...

Jane Byrne's snow has fallen onto Schmidty's lap.

Well played.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 103,

You're welcome...but I'm not quite sure you really do understand the Crook County property tax system...

Strinctly speaking of homes...the first thing homeowners should understand is that rarely...though the Assessor's Office has tried to get "better"...are homes assessed at the full 16% of their real market value...emphasis on real. Honestly, don't most of you look at your reassessment notices, see the Assessor's "market value", and the calcuclated AV and go "whoohooo! I'm ahead on this one!"...? I'm willing to make a small wager that the vast majority of you believe...or used to believe...that you could sell your homes for more than the Assessor attributed to your property as your market value...and while you've not been happy about your tax bills, the truth is that even if you were unaware of the reality of the numbers, you would probably have been able to sell your home for a better market value than the Assessor's records indicated.

The reality in Crook County is that while the law demands that you be assessed at 16% of your market value...the majority of homes are actually assessed at between 10% - 12% of their real market value...and because the State knows this, we get socked with the State Equalizer...but each individual Govt. Dept. has "fulfilled their task according to the law"...and because a lot of lawyers know this too, they are making good livings filing "constructive fraud" cases...otherwise known as property assessment complaints...

So...how does this "relate" to a reduction in property value and tax collection, you might ask...? Well...when you try to grouse and moan about your reduced property value, it will be pointed out to you that the Crook County Assessor has your market value listed as XYZ, and you will then have to make a case why XYZ, which is already 4% - 6% lower than you previously pegged to be your real market value, is now wrong...and...just how much of a reduction in property value do you believe planes flying over your property has contributed to a "decline" in your property value...? How much exactly has your property value declined? Are you attributing all of that decline in property value to the planes flying over your head? Can you prove it? What about the currently abysmal condition of the real estate housing market in general?

But I understand you have a different belief...and I am not providing assistance in what you hope to be a "winning argument" against ORD...so I will leave you to it. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Hey, give the guy a break. Schmidt is the only one trying to keep Frimark and his chumbalones from running into closed session every chance they get and then keeping secrets from us, trying to keep Frimark from buying up private property all over town for his new cop shop, trying to get the City to enforce its zoning ordinance, trying to give us a cop shop referendum, etc. Where was Bach, the council liaison to the ONCC? Where was Allegretti, Carey and Wsol, whose wards are getting hit by the new runway?

At least we know where Ryan was. Looking for a consultant to tell him what to do. ("Fifth Ward Alderman Robert Ryan said the council may want to consider hiring a consultant to advise the city on the best locations for any additional monitors.") Does that guy need a consultant to tell him how to wipe and when to flush?

Anonymous said...

ORD-FEST is dead on arrival. What new ideas do they have besides Gene Spanos begging the IOC to hold the Olympics elsewhere if O'Hare doesn't route flights away from Park Ridge. Yeah, like those IOC guys in Switzerland are gonna jump right to it for 37,000 of us.

When are you ORD-FESTians going to stop running around doing nothing and realize that this 747 took off three years ago?

Anonymous said...

Bean is correct. To understand how property taxes are calculated, understand that they start with a number, and that number is amount that the budget requires from property taxes...enter the "state equalizer". The value of your property is merely used to allocate your portion of the whole. They back into your taxes...not the other way around. Your taxes will not go down, the. The best you can hope for is that they won't go up as much as they would have gone up. It's all a numbers game.

I do not think Alderman Dave is the 2nd coming of Christ. I disagree with him on a pretty major issue actually, but I do think that he consistently does what he believes is best for the city as a whole. While we may have honest disagreements on what that is from time to time, I do not question his integrity or his commitment. I do question that when it comes to Frimark and the rest of them. Bach in particular, is an embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

Bach is an embarrassment. I din't think our last aldermen were all that great but those ladies at least had some class. Bach is a major embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

When I choose a candidate, the first thing I look for is: What does this person have to gain, personally, from the office?

When I look at Frimark, I see "INSURANCE." And guess what: He regularly abstains from voting on liquor issues (even though he's the liquor commissioner) because of conflicts of interest due to his sale of insurance to all these local businesses. Good that he abstains, but bad that he's got such a personal financial stake in a particular group of constituents that he serves.

I look at Schmidt and I see "LAWYER." But I don't ever see him abstaining from voting, so either he doesn't have a personal financial stake in a particular group of constituents, or he's concealing it.

I've looked for evidence of the latter and found none, so I will assume the former.

So based on special interest alone, I trust Schmidt. Which is why I have no problem blaming Frimark for the new runway.

Anonymous said...

813...I did recuse myself once a few months ago because the City was purchasing employee benefit insurance from a client my firm represents. However, that was and would be a very rare occurrence.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fred, Yes I know that the Olympic Committee might not consider 37,000 letters begging them to take their games somewhere else. The point of those letters is to let "King Richard" know that he isn't the only "game" (pardon the pun) in town and try to keep more planes out of here. Also, keep $ out of R.D.'s pocket. Isn't irritationg R.D. delicious justice? Don't rag on Mr. Spanos for having the gumption to do something concrete...more than most. 37,000 could grow to include other suburbs and that ain't bad!

Anonymous said...

It wasn't Jane Byrne's snow...it was Balandic's.