January 20, 2009

It's Official! -- Inauguration Day!

from: The Onion Store


Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job

November 5, 2008

"WASHINGTON—African-American man Barack Obama, 47, was given the least-desirable job in the entire country Tuesday when he was elected president of the United States of America." [read more...]

And today, America made it official -- African-American man Barack Obama, 47, took the oath of office and was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States.

We couldn't resist today -- Council recap, tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

New President!
Next on the agenda....new Mayor!

Anonymous said...

Roger that, anonymous ll:53 a.m.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I can't wait for your update on the meeting last night. I had to leave early, but before I left, there was more of the same disgusting behavior on the part of our council-- a vote to require a supermajority to cut off discussion at COW meetings DEFEATED and a discussion of adding two convoluted referendum questions on the police station to the ballot. Utter foolishness! And then, the ORD-REST group is asking for $300,000!!!! We need a new mayor AND a new council.

Can't wait....

Anonymous said...

I counldn't stay for the entire session last night. I have to agree, what a farse. There were times I thought I was back in the dark ages listening and watching our representatives and the whole process. It made me sad to think, we the people did this by our votes! Change is needed, needed sooner than later. Three months, I hope will come upon us shortly.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. As far as the noise level from the new O'Hare expansion runway, I do not feel for to many. It has been public knowledge for eight years. We can blame our city, but reality is we sat on our asses thinking it would not bother me. Well, guess what, it does. Now you want to take tax payers money and fight a war that you can and will never win? Have you heard? Two straight years of running a negative budget! We going to try for three?

Anonymous said...

How about how Alderman Carey actually CHANGED his vote after the took an initial vote and then did a roll call vote?

Anonymous said...

$300K to fight a war that is long over? PLEASE!

Aircraft "aimed" at Maine South?

If the ORD-REST group wants to pony up their own money - go for it. But do not ask for my tax dollars to fund your requests for staff, legislation, etc, etc ....

Anonymous said...

Anyone count how many times during the presentation the word consultant was used?

Thanks but no thanks.

Anonymous said...

I think she said something about the airplanes being aimed at the Park Ridge CROWN JEWEL Maine South. how elitist is this group going to be? first non-inclusive, now elitist.
No way, you cannot have my tax dollars for your group that does not represent the community if you don't include the WHOLE community.

Anonymous said...

Maine East is in the Park Ridge city limits and (by ORD-REST standards) is also in the line of air crash fire - and has been for years. Guess it's not shiny enough to be a "crown jewel."

I think I remember Joyce Clark from the Park Board calling the Community Center our "crown jewel" a few years ago. Guess we're pretty darn heavy on the bling.

Anonymous said...

She obviously needs and job and wants to create a corporation. If you listened to her presentation, she mentioned the Finance and project manager, consultants, attorneys, etc... that she would need to hire. I don't see how she can pursue a class action law suit with less that a few million dollars.

Anonymous said...

Oh...oh....the noise woke me up. Did I miss something??? What happened???
Now you want tax dollars?

Anonymous said...

only a fool would ask for money when the cupboards are bare.

Anonymous said...

How can citizens force a spending, hiring, and salary increase freeze on the city?

Anonymous said...

$300,000 for ORD-REST? I thought we were done throwing money away on the airport fight. Wasn't it laid to rest in 2003? Perhaps Ron Weitecha will come back to lead the charge.

Anonymous said...

For those proposing spending $300k or more to fight the airport you are fighting a loosing battle. The airport is here to stay and the expansion is going to happen sooner or latter.
I have lived just south west of ME for over 35 years. We are in the flight path which is between the school and LGH as well as Franklin grade school. When I last checked we are in Park Ridge as well. Perhaps you feel that this area is not as important as Maine South but I bet my neighbors would disagree.

Anonymous said...

I thought the ORD-REST work was going to be done by volunteers-those of us living in the now affected area doing what we can to try to salvage something positive for PR out of what is a situation where we have been thrown under the bus by Daley. I did not hear her presentation-but if Ms. Zolt did indeed ask for this amount of funding when the city is in the red, she and ORD-REST will quickly lose credibility.

That being said the city should spend some form of money or effort to try to make some change to what is happening with the OMP. That means the mayor reverses course and actually attends meetings and works on our behalf like he was supposed to be doing. Wsol actually gives reports to the city council and the aldermen use their positions as elected officials to try to bring about some change in number of flights on the new runway, approach patterns etc. The city should use money to buy and install noise monitors. The city attorney should work with an aviation attorney to see if there are any legal remedies (loss of use and enjoyment of property-air rights-environmental concerns) that can be pursued. These are the things PR elected officials should have been doing all along. Giving money to a separate group not controlled by PR elected officials is not acceptable.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:13pm

So, the residents who live under the flight path of a $500 million runway should spend money (not THEIR money but EVERYONE'S money) to try to get the FAA to change the way planes land at an airport that has been around since before many of those same residents lived here?

Giving the money, (YOUR money only please) to a third party group is unacceptable, but it is OK to let the City piss it away instead('cause Frimark and Company have shown they know how to wisely spend money - $3 million in the hole; approved payouts to Napleton, etc).

Spending the money on noise monitors that will perhaps get us money for sound proofing the tear-downs located under the flight path? Rember, there is no soundproofing money for new construction - homes built after 2005.

Spending money to have the City Attorney talk to an aviation attorney (uh, Karaganis??) to find out if there are any rememdies available? (I can save the money here - there aren't any)

Should Frimark and Co have done more? Absolutely. Should we waste tax dollars, MY tax dollars to try to remedy pulling his head out of the sand (or somewhere else) for the last 4 years? No way. Besides, Howard likes the convenience of the airport as he jets off to Park Ridge South - Bonita Springs.

You have rights. You have the right to hire your own attorney to bring a frivolous lawsuit. It may make you feel better, but it will not stop the planes, compensate your for loss of enjoyment of your property, or diminished property value (if you could prove it was because of airport and not the Bush administration, greedy mortgage lenders, hedge fund managers, spec house builders, Ken Lay or George Ryan).

Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight. My family lived under these planes for thirty years. Now they are gone and I, as a taxpayer, should pay to get them back?

Anonymous said...

To Anon 11:10

It may make you feel better, but it will not stop the planes, compensate your for loss of enjoyment of your property, or diminished property value (if you could prove it was because of airport and not the Bush administration, greedy mortgage lenders, hedge fund managers, spec house builders, Ken Lay or George Ryan).

You are one angry, misguided d-bag.

George Bush ???? Ken Lay ??? How about the honorable Governor Rod ? Or Mayor Daley ?? Or Stroger ?? Oh, I forgot, they're democrats.

To coin a phrase from PRU....You sir are an ass hat.

Anonymous said...

Taking our hard earned money and spending 300K on ORD-REST is like placing a bet for the Bears to win superbowl XLIII. I'd rather see the money utilized to purchase/pay for salting and plowing the roads as well as fix all the potholes. Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

No money to ORD-REST. But the city has an obligation to try to salvage something. I am not an angry d-bag. But clearly you have zero intelligence if you think the entire town of PR and its property values and its quality of life and schools etc is not negatively affected by the OMP. Wake up-this town is on its way to becoming another industrial-park town on the edge of ORD. It is the job of our government to address the issues that affect the majority of people. OMP at ORD is one of them so too bad if you don't want the cities tax money spent on this.

Sit and do nothing and you will find yourself with a house worth nothing and a school system that sucks because it does not have the tax money it needs. You will have environmental issues and health issues and when a plane runs into a flock of birds and takes out 2 engines there is no river around here to glide to a landing on. So go ahead and live in the little bubble of ignorance you live in and may you get back everything you are giving out.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:13, you've got to be kidding! I don't want one penny of PR money spent on this useless committee. You were sold out, and NOT just by Daley, but by Frimark and his idiots. It's not that we don't feel for you...we do, but you'd be better off saving your money to sound proof your house. That way when you go to sell, you'll have an advantage over your neighbors.