July 9, 2008

Another PRU Twofer!

Narcissus, by Michelangelo Caravaggio, ca. 1598

From the Park Ridge Herald-Advocate:


July 7, 2008

The Rev. Carl Morello, pastor of St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church, said this week that, while he left Park Ridge's July 1 Procedures and Regulations Committee meeting, he did not "storm out" as originally reported.

"I did choose to leave the meeting, after being verbally abused," Morello said, adding that he stayed for more than 30 minutes of public testimony on whether or not a proposed PADS shelter should be required to apply for a special use permit in Park Ridge. His church's parish life center is the second religious location in Park Ridge to have been proposed to host a weekly shelter in the colder months.

Morello said he also was mischaracterized as appearing not to care. "I do care. I have been and am meeting with my parishioners. I'm listening to them." A parish meeting is set for 7:30 p.m. tonight at St. Paul of the Cross's Holy Family Chapel, 320 S. Washington.

From Wikipedia:


Entitlement is a guarantee of access to benefits because of rights, or by agreement through law. It also refers, in a more casual sense to someone's belief that he/she is deserving of some particular reward or benefit. It is often used as a negative term in popular parlance (i.e. a 'sense of entitlement'). The legal term, however, carries no value judgment: it simply denotes a right granted. In clinical psychology and psychiatry, an unrealistic, exaggerated, or rigidly held sense of entitlement may be considered a symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


Anonymous said...

I've been told that the meeting at SPC on Monday night was even rougher than the P&R meeting...

Did Fr. Carl stay for the entire meeting in the SPC Chapel...?

I suspect Fr. Carl didn't have nearly as much trouble tolerating the "verbal abuse" in a venue he can control...

Funny how that works...

Anonymous said...

The meeting Monday was Fr. Morellos idea of a white t-shirt contest.

Anonymous said...

Easy to take potshots at someone who has devoted his life to the service of God and his fellow man. Imperfect (like all of us) as he is, Father Carl deserves better than he's getting.

Anonymous said...

No he doesn't. He's lied to his congregation. He's demonstrated the worst a church leader can be.
What we have here is right on the money, with the help of the town paper, Morello feels entitled to more respect than his conduct deserves and without giving any respect to parishioners who disagree with him. Whether he stormed out or just walked out of the meeting, he still left the meeting and refused to be even good enough, not perfect, just good enough to give everyone a hearing and he blames it on being vergal abused. Nonsense. You are wrong, Fr. McKenzie. Carl Morello is getting exactly what he deserves and has earned.

Anonymous said...


You dealing with weak minds here. Pay no attention to anyone who chooses to hide under the name "Anonymus".

Fr. Carl is a remarkable leader who is making tough decisions, right decisions, when he could easily leave our parish quietly.

You have no choice but to respect that.

Anonymous said...

hey father mackenzie--
I'm not buying what you are selling.
Try again.

Anonymous said...

I agree with McKenzie and Kuhn.

Anonymous said...

OK then! M. Anderson agrees with McKenzie and Kuhn! That will change everything and persuade everyone! N-O-T

You sucked as our alderman and you supported the alderman we have now who sucks.

That is probably why you support Carl Morello! He sucks too!

Anonymous said...

The PR meeting was a picnic lunch compared to the one on 7/7.

Monday night's meeting was horrendous, awful, an abomination, in all - a new nadir for Carl Morello and his feifdom.

The audience was teeming with pro-Morello plants, half of them trucked in by the archdiocese no doubt... a disgraceful, graceless lot, a low class bunch - Jerks for Jesus, I think they were called...

they heckled and jeered at parents who talked of health and safety concerns or of locating PADS somewhere else. It was often a flat out nasty and hostile milieux down there in the lower church; again, despicable conduct, all in the name of Christianity. Not once did Fr Carl try to stop the nastiness - au contraire, he seemed to eat it up, relish it in the smuggest way. It was sickening.

At the end of the evening, one of his jackals went so far as to yell very threateningly right smack in a woman's face...just when you thought people couldn't sink any lower, a new low in the name of christianity - it really calls to mind abortion clinic bombers. Terrifying. Disgusting.

And these aren't potshots, sanctimonious mckenzie. These are valid criticisms of power mongering mortal. No one is infallible, least of all the person who holds himself out as such. The PADS situation has shed light on what was a hidden side of Carl Morello - megalomaniac. His conduct at that meeting was totally jarring. He was dishonest, snarky, in-your-face and full of acrimony. I was floored.

ANd Kuhn, I have every choice not to respect this priest. I wish he WOULD leave quietly and drop this nonsense. Speaking of leaving, I have put the word out to Winnetkans about what's coming -PADS at Faith, Hope? definitely stay tuned for that one.

As for your smarmy dig at 'weak minds' - livin' in a glass house, pal.

Anonymous said...

to 7:50

At least Kuhn had the COURAGE to post his thoughts under his own name....unlike you who hides behind the wall tossing insults at all who pass by. Show your face or go away.

Anonymous said...

oh, ok "mr. fairplay"

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Bullshit like yours Mr. Fairplay always makes for a good laugh.

Kuhn isn't courageous. He's an ass-kissing boot-licker who advises that anyone posting anonymously should be ignored, and yet he just can't seem to take his own advice, not unlike yourself.

Always entertaining to watch the truly weak of mind trip over their own ideas and tongues.

Anonymous said...

what color t-shirts are we supposed to wear at the taste of Park Ridge?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

If you're a fine specimen of the gentler sex, nobody will care what color your t-shirt is. Just make sure it's wet!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Alot of rage here this evening!

I can understand non-catholics (me) being outraged and feeling like a church is trying to make a decision as an island when it affects the whole town.

But what I don't get is (forgive me I have said this before) that people seem to be SHOCKED by this. Even as an outside non-catholic observer, I find nothing shocking about this. This fits into their "mission" and their past behavior. You can question their motives and their senserity and many other things - there are plenty of places to do it. But how can this shock anyone?

Even more confusing to me is the reaction of the SPC members. I do not know Fr. Carl and I have never set foot in SPC but I have to believe that there have been many, many sermons about charity and putting others before ourselves and scarafice...yada...yada...yada...
And now parishiners find this outrageous?

Lastly, I was not at the above mentioned meeting so I do not know what was said and why Fr. Carl walked out. He should NOT have walked out. He should stayed there and taken it like a man. But what on earth did anyone think was going to come out of that meeting? On one side you have the church leaders who believe that this is a part of their mission (I know you can shoot holes in all day!). They believe that this is a part of the churches calling and the calling of the congregation. In their minds they clearly do not seem the same level of risk that many of us do.

Did people think that Father Carl was going to just say "Wow, your right. I never thought of that. Let's bag the whole thing." If this works maybe they will change the whole contraception thing.

Good Lord (pardon the phrase)! This has been discussed for months now on blogs, at meetings and all over town. I have seen zero compromise from either side and I would hazard a guess that zero minds have been changed.

This is on the same path it was destined to be on from the first few weeks. Permit or no permit? Then bring on the lawyers.

By the way I hope I am wrong!

Anonymous said...

Oh nice going, Anonymous @ 9:03! Way to throw cold water on the beginning of a hot wet t-shirt topic!

Anonymous said...

Sorry....I guess I was busy typing when that was posted!

PRU.ADMIN said...

No apology necessary, @9:15.


Ahem, you there @8:57, do take note!

Anonymous said...

I have heard that the homeless will be at the taste of pr.

Anonymous said...

ALL the homeless!!

Anonymous said...

maybe we can screen them to see if any have criminal records

Anonymous said...

Once we have dealt with the challenge of the Homeless, I hope we will have enough civic spirit left over to tackle the issue of the Clueless.

I believe they outnumber the homeless by a substantial margin.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mark.

Mr. Fahrenbach said...

It's dissapointing to see the authors of parkridgeunderground lose their legitimacy again by lowering themselves to "jibber jabber" and name calling.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Still can't think of any topics for your own blogs, jfahren2?

Must suck to be you. But if our blog inspires you to have at least one or two thoughts in a day, we suppose your offering them here is something we can abide.

jfahren1 said...

Fair enough, do you really sit there 24/7 masturbating to your own blog and check peoples comments to see if you can approve them? I hope your blog provides your ego ample appetite because at the rate you check peoples comments you must be severely obese.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...


Anonymous said...

I sent a message yesterday, that he decided not to print!

Free exchange of ideas, huh!

This is comical.

Anonymous said...

jfahren1--your comments are offensive and distasteful, showing your obvious lack of class. stick to the topic, loser.

Anonymous said...

hey PR Underground--what happened to the guy from PADS who kept arguing on the blog for his case (and failed)?
those people from St. Mary's who are suddenly silent, why are they silent? hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Wow. This blog reads like Amanda Marcotte.

I am so saddened to see grown ups throwing insults around and patting themselves on the back for doing so.

I am a member of SPC. 6 of my children have gone through school there.

I understand the concerns about safety. I really do. But you lose so much validity when you sound exactly what you accuse homeless folks of "being"...

Honestly, if I were you, and I were really concerned about my kids safety, I'd look long and hard about the example you yourselves are setting. Such anger. This is what you want your children to be like? How many times have you said to them "Quite fighting", "Talk nice", "Don't talk that way to me"...

If you have concerns, voice them. But this is truly, truly disheartening.

I can only pray that Father Carl never sees this. It would break his heart.

God Bless all of you, I'll keep you in my prayers. I hope you rethink the way you are expressing yourselves, Christian or not.

Anonymous said...

That anonymous was me...

Anonymous said...

How can you pray Fr Carl doesn't see this or hear about it? This is what he created...he should know how divided people are and how mad he's made everyone. What the people in white at the meeting the other night were whispering if not yelling, I have a friend (propads) who was so disturbed by what the propads people were saying about the concerned parents. "how can you still be friends with them?' "Good riddance to them anyway" I would pray he gets wise and if he doesn't stop pads at least ammend it. Change the night to Friday, and of course change the athletic schedule. But no, that would require some work. I'd be the first to volunteer (I have in the past) but I'd be disgusted to work with the smug people I saw the other night. Where should we donate our white tshirts?

Anonymous said...

Where should we donate our white tshirts?

Uh, a homeless shelter ??

Anonymous said...

anon 12:34:

I agree with the spirit of your comment. As someone who is against PADS, I too have the feeling this is a decision that should be made by the whole community. For those people to say what I have heard they said is wrong.

However, I would tell you that I have read and heard things said in support of a conclusion that I agree with that I find equally as offensive. People dig in their heals and there is no compromise and no minds changed - kind of like congress!

The question I have for you is do you really believe that there are "ammemdments" that could be made (like your example of changing nights) that would quell the opposition to PADS and suddenly make it acceptable?

Anonymous said...

Just imagine it's 2am and a PADS visitor has a body fluid issue!
Who's going to clean that up!

Blood born path.....yep!

Its going to be hey you..get a mop!!

Anonymous said...

See, now there is an example of one of those things said in defense of a conclusion I agree with that make me cringe. What on earth is the purpose of that post?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

The health safety of the environment in the SPC gym? We're just guessing.

Anonymous said...

I understand that but isn't there enough data about why not to have PADS without resorting to that?

My guess is that most of these people are potty trained. My guess is they don't have 15 people walking around with bleeding sores. It is also my guess that PADS has a proceedure in place in the event something like this occurs. I am sure that most would not have a high degree of comfort about what that proceedure is.

I am still not comfortable with the risk and I still do not want a PADS site it PR but I would also like to think we could make the argument on a little "higher ground" (although maybe I am giving myself too much credit).

What's next discussing "people poop" in Hinkley Park?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

We agree with you. You are giving yourself too much credit. Not for your preference to make arguments on "higher ground", but for your ability to make guesses.

Your ignorance -- and that is meant to imply your lack of knowledge, nothing else -- is a problem.

We encourage everyone who may be interested to delve the issue of health concerns among the homeless. You don't need 15 people with open bleeding wounds to transfer diseases. All it takes is one.

Any procedure for cleanliness is only as good as the people performing the procedure, and it's our guess that those people, the PADS volunteers in this case, aren't likely to be as adept at doing that as some seasoned hospital crew. Are you aware of the incidence of hospital acquired infections? Scary stuff.

Are you aware of the incidence of infectious disease among the homeless? Scary stuff.

As for any discussions of "people poop" in Hinkley Park -- you may find such a discussion indelicate and distasteful, and if you think there isn't a very real risk of such a thing happening and that somebody, probably a city employee, will be required to clean it up, then we suggest you avert your eyes and ears from such a discussion and let those who are more willing to tackle reality proceed.

Anonymous said...

Hinkley Park...as well as all our other parks...is the responsibility of the Park District...so it's more probable that some poor schmuck from the PRRPD would get the job of cleaning-up anything left behind...not that the homeless hang-out in parks when they're not being sheltered by a PADS facility or anything...

Anonymous said...

I attended the 7/7 meeting at SPC and spent much of the time watching Fr. Carl. If I were him, I would be taking a long look in the mirror and asking myself how I could have screwed things up this badly and created so much divisiveness in the parish.

But while watching him I was struck by how his expression and body language reflected an us v. them attitude - dismissive-to-defiant when listening to the PADS opponents, engaged and agreeable when listening to his supporters. He acted like the former weren't even his parishioners.

In the end, it seemed to really be all about Fr. Carl - what he wants, how he handled it, what he promised the Ministerial Assoc., what he promised PADS, and what he promised his supporters. It's just another pointin the game of self-promotion.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Let's talk about the people poop in PR. I could tell you about the time it was on the front stairs of one of the churches in town. Pretty flipping disgusting.

Anonymous said...


Maybe your are right. Maybe I should just avert my eyes. As I have said, I reach the exact same conclusion but I still cringe at some of the posts. In comparison to the other post, I liked your reply.

By the way, while I am not a doctor, I am not naive about the risks. I do have some limited experience with hospital infections. My father spent 8 days in intensive care due to an infection he acquired while at a hospital for a non-surgical proceedure. He stayed over night a few days for pain management and therapy for a back issue and ended up in intenstive care. To this day I have not received an adequate answer as to the how or what or why it happened.

I also have a family who gets some version of the plague every winter because some parent sends their child to school when they should have stayed home sick. I have a neighbor who's child came home with head lice (thank god we avoided that one).

I would also guess (there I go guessing again) that some of the things my daughter is subjected to in the various pools she swims in every summer would give me pause.

I do understand there might very well be people poop in the park, although my poop issue today is with irresponsible dog owners.

This all goes back to the risk barometer. I am not so sure that those who support PADS are ignorant of the risks either - they just see them differently. Maybe I do not see the risks as acutely as you but I am well aware of them and I do not think it is a good idea to have a PADS shelter. Clearly those who are for PADS see the risk as minimal versus what they believe is helping people - go figure.

When the priest issues broke. Some parents left the church and/or school. There were no assurances that the church could make(what ever those were) to mitigate the perceived risk. Many others decided to stay - another example to the risk barometer in action.

Anonymous said...

I Have zero experience with Fr. Carl, or for preists in general - at least not since college which was many years ago. I saw his picture today in the Advocate so at least now I know what he looks like.

I do find it facinating that different groups of people see him in such completely divergent ways. Even people within his own congregation. What is this, multiple personalities?

Anonymous said...

From the newspaper reports and the postings on the local blogs, it's pretty clear that the PADS shelter has become primarily a political issue about power and control: Can Fr. Carl subdue his parishioners who oppose the PADS shelter? Can St. Paul/PRMA/PADS overwhelm the City Council on whether the shelter needs to comply the City's zoning code?

And it has become an ego contest masquerading as a game of who is holier than whom. It seems like the pro-PADS folks consider themselves holier than the anti-PADS folks because the former selflessly embrace those poor homeless strangers who ride the PADS circuit, while the latter selfishly look out only for their own kids.

All in all, it's pretty amazing how morally superior some people can feel just from sticking a few homeless people in a school gym one night a week during the winter months. What about Monday through Saturday, all you super-Christians?

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the post. A few thing worthy of commenting on. First of all I am not sure I agree that SPC/PRMA and the whole gang are trying to "overwelm" the city council. They have stated what they believe as to if they need a permit or not. What we don't know is what the City Council thinks. Thankfully I have been able to read Alderman Dave's opinion and boy do I hope he is right. But this has taken entirely too long for the council to render an opinion (I believe it has been months!!) I have read that Fr. Carl has caused this big spilit within the community and his own congregation and he deserves his share of the blame. I also believe the council deserves a share. Not that a decision will solve everything but at least we can move on. Get on with it already!!

Second, I am pretty sure that some of them considered themselves holier than me long before the PADS issue and based on the criteria they use they are right.

Anonymous said...

we're all going along, living our lives, struggling with jobs, kids and trying to make ends meet (some of us) and all of the sudden someone says, "I've got a great idea, let's put a homeless shelter IN THE SCHOOL GYM!!"
The people that said, "Hey wait a minute, maybe we should think twice about that" are labeled as selfish, uncaring, unchristian. Just because we have an opinion that is different than the "spiritual leader" doesn't make you a bad person.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...


Some comment notices have not been making it into our usual cache, as we've discovered them waiting patiently on the blog dashboard late this evening, and have just now gotten to clearing them. The comment notification software has been sticky all day.

If your comment has not been posted, please let us know and we will see if we can recover them some way, or let the Google-Blogger Overlords know there's a problem.

Anonymous said...

A youth campus with troubled kids, a pads shelter on the other end of town. Glad I paid $850,000 for a house in the suburbs. Should have bought a $150,000 building on the west side of Chicago.

Stop bringing people into this town we are trying to get away from. There I said it. Now spit your coffee out and fall out of the chair.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 10:30-

Hitler had a great plan for dealing with undesirable people. Perhaps if it was tried here, you wouldn't have to run away from them anymore.

Seriously, I used to think that most PADS opponents had legitimate health and safety concerns. Now I am wondering whether you speak for the majority of them.

Anonymous said...

I am a Roman Catholic who attends St. Paul and am saddened to see the parish divided. I don't think St. Paul's gym should be used for a shelter because it doesn't have the facilities to house these people. These people can't just be shipped from church to church. Housing is needed, not gyms. PADS is not adequately addressing the issue. They may have people think they do, but it's apparent that this organization is unorganized. I am upset by what Fr. Carl has said. Parents have a right to speak their mind. Many families donated money to have this structure built and the people of the parish had no say in this PADS matter. A priest should listen and understand people, not look down on them if they don't agree with him. It's not a sin to disagree.

MIKE said...

Funny thing the youth campus has existed here for years and it seems only now things are really getting out of hand.

Anonymous said...

I drove past MSW today and saw their lettered sign. Usually it has spiritual, uplifting, encouraging messages on it. Today I almost THREW UP when I saw that it said "MSW Supports PADS."
Really? REALLY??!!!!!
Is that a message from the priests or all of the parishoners?
Again, I am a life-long Catholic and this whole thing is another reason why I do not attend church in PR.

Anonymous said...

dork m anderson- calling anyone with a valid premise you don't happen to favor 'hitler' is lamer than lame. find an intelligent way to counter a thesis or shut up. i am amazed at the number of half wits who think they have something to post about.

again- to anyone who desires a life among the homeless, go right on ahead and get it. there is no shortage of rough neighborhoods full of people in need of a 'helping hand'-get in your car and drive to them, stay there and help your little naive heart out. those of us who wish to maintain the relatively safe and peaceful status quo we have here for our kids will think about whether or not you deserve to be rescued from your piety when reality sinks in and your life is in danger.

i can only assume none of you has ever dealt with the criminally insane, the severely drug addicted or the dangerously devious. you simply have no idea what's out there, but again, please feel free to put yourself in as much danger as you want - by getting off your duff and jumping into the thick of it. if you really want to save the world, working with the 5 hard-up people they claim to have here in town is hardly a drop in the bucket. put your money where your mouth is and get thee to a real mission.

Anonymous said...

The worst insult is to be ignored.

The best insult is to be called a "dork" by an anonymous, rambling poster who doesn't even know what the "shift" key is for.

Anonymous said...

The Catholic church is in big trouble financially and theologically. Yet holier-than- thou priests think they can still bypass the congregation and make bad decisions that affect the church and community. Listen to the people and stop the arrogant attitude and maybe the Sunday collections will increase.

And wait until the PADS drunks start demanding food, showers, play time with the kids. At least Father will have some drinking buddies.

Anonymous said...

7:30 AM mass should be interesting.
Oh....it was great to see Mayor
Frimark out and about the good people today while at the taste. Especially his side kick - Rosie M. and her
band of pro-choice non- believers!

Anonymous said...

m anderson, you are still a dork, whether i capitalize it or not, but you do bring up a good point - DORK seems more suitable.

your 'insults' don't make it into any universe of discourse as far as i am concerned- once you laughably brought hitler into the mix as a catchall quieter, your credibility went out the window.

but your brand of discussion is juuust right for the holy roller forum where brandishing WWJD makes it as a substitute for argument.

and fyi, the catholic church funded hitler in the beginning.

Anonymous said...

hey......is there a mayoral election
coming up next spring!!

Its time to start looking for a possible candidate to replace king
Howard and his court.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:03-

Right you are about the church and Hitler. In fact, the entire history of the church's persecution of Jews is pretty disgusting.

But we move off point. Some folks like to accuse the anit-PADS set of being "bad Christians." I'm not sure it's for any of us to say who's a good or a bad Christian. Perhaps the final score will be tallied up in the future.

At least you have been honest about your motivations for not wanting PADS here; that's more than I can say for some people.

Post on.

Anonymous said...

Mark Anderson was the last positive thing this city government had going for it.

It's a shame the "ribbon" idiots ruined this city.

All 13 of them...

Anonymous said...


I believe he will take us out of the b.s. and lead us with the truth. Now...there are SOME PEOPLE in PR who don't like the truth and prefer to live in fantasyland. If you are one of those, I suggest you putting your support behind Simon Barsinister.
Anything is better than the nonsense we have now.

Anonymous said...

*Simon Bar Sinister (Wikipedia):
Simon Bar Sinister was the main villain in the Underdog cartoon show. Simon is the wickedest man in the world, and it was his ambition to rule the world, but each time, Underdog defeated him.

Anonymous said...

That is so great of Mary Seat of Wisdom to put out the support banner for Pads. I am impressed Mary Seat is willing to host!!!!!!
PROBLEM SOLVED, thanks Mary Seat!

Anonymous said...

I thought I would give a different perspective from the medical standpoint. I am a physician who volunteers in a Chicagoland PADS clinic.
I technically “evaluate” the people. I say “evaluate” because this is all I do. Do they get proper medical care? NO. Are they sick? Yes.
What exactly do I see here and what would be coming into Park Ridge?
Community Acquired MRSA is very high
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Arthropod Diseases, including head and pubic lice
MULTIPLE Psychiatric disorders, including rampant schizophrenia
Drug Use

And this is not an extensive list.

I understand the need to help them. But I also understand that having a shelter, much less in an elementary school gym is not going to solve anything. PADS in itself has only placed a band aid on a huge gaping wound. The Park Ridge Community will be have not only the physical dangers that the PADS members will bring, including child sexual preditors, as they will have plenty of access to children, but also place the residents at both physical and medical risk. I think that the members of St Paul who are rushing to have this shelter, must realize that they are putting MANY people at risk. I am a firm believer in helping others, as I have dedicated my life to serving the sick, but my primary job is “to do no harm.” I think Fr Carl should also take a look not at only the people he may help for a few hours, but the many people he may harm in the near future.

-Park Ridge Physician

Anonymous said...

Doc, thank you for the information. I hope some common sense enlightens some of us.

spc mom for now said...

Thank you for all these posts it's good to hear some directness, and some humor surrounding this issue. It's awful - absolutely awful what has happened. I agree with so much said here - Fr. Carl did not involve anyone in his decision, he notified us in a sneaky way as he departed the country and only because a few took note and sent out a few emails did this even get any light shed on it. I am a parent of a student there for now. My second grader shouldn't have t be subjected to any of this. At the meeting friends weren't sitting next to friends, people were looking nervously around at eachother to see what side they were on, there were definitely plants of people there to speak up for the program and it was NOT a forum in which to ask questions witout getting a sideways glance, without being yelled at, called selfish or non-Christian or told to go home. THe PADS/Fr. Carl supporters were donwright nasty. It was any parents chance to ask uestions, see if they've thought it all through... and not once did Fr. Carl or the moderator who was a joke get up to ask the audience to curb their comments, or to speak with respect... he did sit there with a smug look like he'd won - well I know for a fact how many people are leaving the school - and not going to another Catholic school because of the thought that PADS is coming to any one of them - It's a bad idea - elementary school kids who have no clue of the dangers of the world around them.. it's a shame... I can go on and on but we will see. Parents are mad, sme scared to send their kids back there just because they asked a question... and with the Teacher Mrs. Jacobs letter to the editor we fear our kids are being taught just to follow the leader instead of being taught to be the leader! Picnics this summer are being cancelled as well due to peole being on different sides - it's awful...

Anonymous said...

Anybody that cares stopped reading these posts last week... Thanks anyway, "Doc".

Interesting how the child predators will have "plenty of access to the kids", when they are only there when the kids aren't.

Question: You know what they call the guy who graduates last in medical school?

Answer: Doctor.

Quack, quack...


Anonymous said...

anonymous at 9:23
So you think 15-20 homeless who have nowhere else to go are going to magically vanish 30 minutes to one hour before school children arrive? you're living in a fantasy world.

Anonymous said...

9:23 Come on...
The Doc has valid answers. You're living in a dream world. Must be nice. I agree with 9:41

Anonymous said...

Geez "Physician who evaluates at PADS" -- do you really think we're stupid enough to believe that you are who you say you are? If you want to be credible with your "inside scoop" then leave your name. if you're not willing to do that then I don't believe one ounce of what you have to say. You;re just another PR loser sitting & trying to figure out how to scare people.

Anonymous said...

Geez "Cathleen with no last name" -- do you really think that because you put your first name on your ideas that makes them less idiotic? If you want to be credible then do your own homework and offer information that you have learned on your own. If you're not willing to do that then anything you say with your name attached or not is just babbling. You're just another baaabaaa loser sheep letting others decide things for you.

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

Cathleen --

You do not have to take the word of an anonymous Physician on the myriad medical issues among the homeless population.

Read the following document posted at glenellysafety.org --


The information comes from a group, the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, that advocates for the homeless. Most could or would consider them to be pro-PADS/Homeless. We consider them honest.

Anonymous said...

YOU consider them honest? interesting...

ParkRidgeUnderground said...

We do, in so far as they are willing to publicly discuss the real health and safety concerns associated with the homeless population, instead of sweeping those concerns aside or under the rug. We give credit where credit is due in our opinion.

Anonymous said...

I am staying anonymous "Cathleen" as I prefer not to give my name. And if I give my name, what then? I get dog crap on fire on my door step, since this is what I would expect from this. As for the stupidity, you are the one who says it. If you want your saintly shelter fine. If you want the kids to get MRSA, fine. If you want the increase in crime, fine. How about you and the Church pay for our taxes then?
-PR Physician

Anonymous said...

What a messed up town, and I am just visiting.

Anonymous said...

Are you still pretending to be a Physician?

Anonymous said...

I don't pretend, "anon".

Anonymous said...

I'm goind through PADS Postings withdrawal. Did everyone leave on vacation???