July 17, 2008

Math Is Hard!

In today's Herald-Advocate we learn the extent of Mayor Howard's inability to deal with numbers.

Residents' concerns set back Cumberland study

"When the City Council discussed the proposed Cumberland extension study in May, a memo from Park Ridge Economic Development Director Kim Uhlig stated the engineering study could cost between $50,000 and $100,000. When asked why $500,000 was requested from the federal government, Frimark said he could not comment without looking at the documents that had been submitted.

The application states that the funding "will be used for the feasibility study and environmental phases I and II." Frimark could not say what these environmental phases involved."
Mayor Howard, we know math can be hard. Really really hard. But we wonder why the champion for this proposed Cumberland extension doesn't have a better handle on the difference between needing $50,000 to $100,000 and asking for $500,000. What's up with that?

And PRUdos to reporter Jennifer Johnson for paying attention and reporting the story with the detail it deserved. We've been wondering when somebody was going to point out that little $400,000 difference!

Finally, to Congresswoman Schakowsky: Thanks for listening to the residents' objections to this project.

Additional information; thanks to a PRU reader.

Read this document on Scribd: AppropriationsRqstCumberland[1]


Anonymous said...

If this is one of Frimark's pet projects, didn't he look at the documents before they were submitted? Didn't he talk about the amount in his discussions with Schakowsky? What a numbskull!

Anonymous said...

How can you not know what the extra $400,000 was for? Don't you know that the project was going to need insurance?

Now if only we knew where we could pick up some insurance.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Jan Schakowsky for listening to what the residents of the area wanted!!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you think she would listen to us about PADS? Or is there not enough money involved(government or not) to justify her getting involved? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Define "listen"...

Fr. Carl says he will "listen", but does he really hear what is being said...?

Remember, Jan Schakowsky is a progressive liberal democrat...what are the odds that she wholeheartedly supports a program that *only* gives a night's shelter and a meal to the homeless...

She's also a member of Congress...a Congress that has failed to take up the issue of expanding funding adequately for the VA and mental health facilities that would go a long way in alleviating the mushrooming of homeless shelters in churches, scattered throughout smaller communities, along with other housing programs for poorer families...take a look at what Chicago promised but has failed to deliver...and all of these things are run by programs that also get $$ from the federal govt...and the Congress' failure to adequately do these things stretches back decades...not just this Congress, but every Congress in the last 40 years or so...

It's all about money...so, you ask, is there not enough money involved? The answer is the same type of question, is there ever enough money involved?

In Schakowsky's position, what she would be "listening" to is requests for money...for whatever program anyone is seeking govt. money for...like Howard Frimark was seeking for the Cumberland underpass.

In my opinion, the short answer is no, she wouldn't "listen" to "us" about PADS...unless we were asking for money for PADS...otherwise it's a wholly local matter of zoning, regulation, and what local officials and residents are willing to do and accept inside the community...

That's my take on it anyway. I could be totally wrong, but I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

WOW. Thanks for the response. You seem incredibly versed on the ways and means of government here and in Chicago. Glad to know someone is because I'm not. :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous July 18, 2008 12:20 PM,

You are welcome...I think.

As for..."You seem incredibly versed on the ways and means of government here and in Chicago."

Oye...only becuase I have yet to find a 12-step program to adequately address this ailment...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for getting into the meat of this issue - potential of misuse of federal tax dollars.

Where and what was Mayor Frimark going to do with the other remaining funds............?

Trust me.....Jan Schakowsky can count too and she is NOW aware of the problem here. Its called Howard Frimark.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Frimark supports the Cumberland expansion so that the Homeless of Park Ridge have a place to hang out! You know folks, the Christian people of St. Paul are only providing one day of food & lodging, so our street people have to be somewhere the other 6 days!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Catching the Metra in beautiful Park Ridge to go downtown, I couldn't help but notice the shocking reality of being panhandled all over the loop. Now I remember why I pay high taxes to live in the "bubble" of Park Ridge. I don't want to be pan handled in my own community!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe those who support PADS & suffer from "Rich Guilt" can buy the homeless houses??? Problem solved!

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:19 AM:

You ask:

Where and what was Mayor Frimark going to do with the other remaining funds............?

$500,000 - $100,000 = $400,000.

Does that number sound familiar?

Anonymous said...

Catholics who support PADS are worried about those new mortal sins that the Vatican came up with, especially sin number 6 – Thou shalt not have too much money. I’ve heard a lot of SPC parishioners are loaded. Isn't Liemark Catholic?

ParkRidgeUnderground said...


For those of you attempting to read the Scribd document above, there is currently a problem with the storage server where the document is hosted. The service provider is currently working to get the problem fixed. And your patience is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I think pan handled is the correct phrase. Next city hall mtg - watch for Howard to pass the hat and ask for your wallet!

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wild Irish Prose, July 19, 5:00pm,

Yes, $400,000. is a very familiar sounding number. Interesting how that number keeps popping up. Some things just don't go away...