from: - SouthParkWallpaper
Good morning PRU readers! Our sources are reporting in and letting us know there was quite a show to be seen at last night's City Council COW! We're working on a recap for your reading pleasure. In the meantime, feel free to add your own observations here.
Long Recap!
Our sources are unanimous in reporting that at last night’s City Council COW they couldn’t hear sh*t! The acoustics in the room are anything but audience-friendly.
Our sources also tell us the council began by discussing the mechanics of how the meeting was to be conducted, as if they had never been in attendance at a committee of the whole meeting, ever, anywhere, at any time.
Despite being blind, the Aldermice forged on.
Alderman Frank Wsooolman (7th ward) commented on whether or not the City should take a look at the local building codes in relation to the O’Hare expansion. The PRU Crew believes Ald. Wsooolman is referring to a sound insulation ordinance.pdf, like the one recently passed by Arlington Heights. The PRU Crew has been wondering when somebody would notice this issue.
In our research of the O’Hare Modernization Program, we have found that it seems unlikely any home built or added on-to after September 2005 will qualify for sound insulation funds through the ONCC. This information is contained in the ONCC's Resolution 2007-5.pdf. It also seems that Alderman Don Bachtard (3rd ward) and Mayor Howard missed the ONCC meeting where this bit of news was discussed, voted on, and adopted by the ONCC membership. And of course, Alderman Bachtard hasn’t reported on this to the Park Ridge City Council.
Alderman Wsooolman was also concerned about the City of Park Ridge’s position on the Olympic games. The 2nd ward’s Lord of the Manor, Ald. Rich DiPietro, said that an individual had written about the Olympics, but that he expected that if the council were to take a position he hoped they would discuss it. The PRU Crew feels that joke kind of tells itself, doesn’t it?
Next, City Manager James Hock let everyone know that the Park Ridge Public Library has a policy that does not allow soliciting within 50 feet of their front door. It seems clear to the PRU Crew that the City Manager hasn’t familiarized himself with the Park Ridge municipal codes just yet, especially regarding the ordinance that covers soliciting (Article 14, Chapter 20.pdf). We have no explanation for City Attorney Buzz Hill’s idiotic agreement on this topic, or why none of the other Aldermen questioned the City Manager's and City Attorney's statements.
Alderman Dave Schmidtzkrieg (1st ward – Mayoral candidate) did ask where this policy is written and by what authority the library could act to determine such a policy. As we understand it, those questions were never properly answered, though the Lord of the Manor did say the policy was established when citizens were collecting signatures for the library referendum in days gone by.
The City Manager also assured everyone the Acting Chief of Police Tom Swoboda had sent a memo to all police department employees explaining that citizens have a right to petition their government. Acting Chief Swoboda also promised he will investigate this matter thoroughly.
There was no agenda line item for the COW meeting that allowed for citizen comment but at this point in the meeting Ald. Wsooolman said as the Public Safety chairman he would make sure citizens had a chance to comment.
The Aldermen went on to discuss, at great length, the City’s tree preservation ordinance and the forming of a task force to look into changing the ordinance. So all you George Washington wannabes step up and volunteer for the City Council’s latest task force opportunity.
The council also discussed an emergency purchase for more salt. We hear the 6th ward’s Unfriendly Ghost, Tom Carey, took the opportunity to try to scare Alderman Schmidtzkrieg, after he asked why the Public Works department was again running out of salt after the City faced this same problem last year. The Unfriendly Ghost took great exception to the idea that Public Works Director Wayne Zingsheim was being accused of poor management. We are told the Unfriendly Ghost made a big show of thanking Director Zingsheim and his staff for their excellent work, noting that while driving back from Greenbay one evening, the Unfriendly Ghost encountered all kinds of terrible road conditions until he got to Park Ridge.
The council also discussed some poor bastard’s efforts to get the hell out of Dodge, a.k.a. de-annexing approximately 40% of his property from the City of Park Ridge and being allowed to be annexed into the City of Chicago. For the time being, it looks like the poor bastard will remain in the warm bosom of Park Ridge.
One of the lengthier discussions during the COW was between the Aldermen and representatives from Shell Oil Co. seeking to limit Shell’s liability for ground water contamination from 2500 feet to 350 feet surrounding 900 Talcott Rd. The PRU Crew thinks this sounds like a really great deal – for Shell Oil Co. Our sources have reported to us that Shell has hired consultants to do “modeling” of the site, which we believe does not involve stiletto heels and a cat-walk. The ground water and soil have been tested and the modeling seems to indicate 350 feet is protection enough for the citizens of Park Ridge in the surrounding area.
Let’s see now, where else have we seen modeling done that said certain types of contamination would not be spread beyond the modeling contour? That’s right PRU readers! The O’Hare Modernization Program's Noise Contour map! All you 5th warders just hush up now! The modeling said you wouldn’t be contaminated with jet noise!
Next, Ald. Wsooolman raised the issue of the South Park Merchants request that the City look into purchasing a property near Brophy and Devon for parking – the approximate price for the property is $895,000.00. And the PRU Crew remains convinced that, while tax revenue can come up short, there is never a shortage of people who want to spend other people’s money.
The Public Works portion of the meeting ended around 9:45 pm and they took a break.
Next up, the Public Safety portion of the meeting was dedicated to discussions of traffic and selective enforcement on Cumberland Avenue. Ald. Bachtard let everyone know that we have to be nice to Jewel Food stores or they may pick up their produce and go home. Mayor Howard promised to sit down and discuss the issue of truck traffic with Jewel – no, not the corporate offices, the Jewel store manager, because in the words of one of our sources, Mayor Howard thinks big! The PRU Crew is wondering why Mayor Howard would pick up the phone to talk to the corporate officers for Oberweis but not for Jewel Foods. Anybody care to take a guess?
The council then moved on to discuss the RFQ for the police station. The council seemed to conclude that they need to hire a consultant to write the RFQ that will be used to hire a consultant for consulting on a new police station.
We have received an abundance of priceless quotes uttered during this portion of the evening, such as –
Ald. Ryan on referendum – “The City doesn’t have to go to referendum. The system is not set up for the City to have to go to referendum.”
Ald. DiPietro on referendum – “The residents have typically lead the drives for referendum, like the library referendum and the council reduction. The only referendum the council put on the ballot was the one asking to stagger aldermanic terms, because that one was so non-controversial.”
Ald. Wsol to Mayor Howard who was yelling at an audience member to sit down – “I am the chairman of this committee and I am ruling you out of order.”
But there is no doubt in our minds that this one wins first place!
Addendum --
Alderman Wsooolman's proposed referendum language is --
"In adopting a capital project to improve the administrative, public, and police facilities at 505 Butler Place, shall the City of Park Ridge require as conditions of issuing any bonds for such improvements that the annual bond payment will not cause an increase in City taxes, or fees, or service reductions as of 2008 levels? The total spent, absent interest and operational costs will not exceed $16.5million. The facility improvement will not require new land purchases and the facility improvements will, where economically appropriate, include green engineering for the purpose of lowering on-going operational costs."
You can view Wsooolman's offer by watching the video below!
The personal highlight for me was when Alderman Wsol, who was properly discharging his duties as Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, basically told Howard to shut up when Howard yelled to someone in the audience to sit down. When Howard persisted in talking, Wsol told Howard "I am ruling you out of order." Howard looked as dazed as I have ever seen him.
The kicker, the man who stood up was one of the police facility referndum petition gatherers who had spoken up at a recent City Council meeting. Howard knew exactly who he was, thus confirming for all that Howard is hostile to the anyone involved in the referendum drive.
But there were countless other priceless moments, many of which are on film courtesy of a concerned citizen. I CANNOT wait to see that movie. It is already the frontrunner for the 2010 Oscar for best short documentary.
Correction...the meeting went 4 1/2hours. Make that best feature length documentary.
PRU - will the film referenced by A10:28 be available here? PLEASE? Oh pretty please?
This is disgraceful. These "men" should be ashamed of themselves. Sixth graders could do a better job of working cooperatively and have a better sense of fairness. They couldn't even agree on how long the break should be 5 min.? 15 min?
Has anyone read "To Sleep With Angels"? it is the account of the Our Lady of Angels School fire in 1958.
Flip through the pages and read how firemen grabbed boys by their belts and threw them to the ground to save them. They couldn't save girls as belt to grab. Read about how the heat became so intense the firemen couldn't do anything but stand on the ladder and watch children melt in front of their eyes.
Read this book and tell me that you have to table the approval of a task force to work on this airplane issue. Shame on you.
In this economy with so many people out of work, such uncertainty about the effect of planes on health and home values you can't find compromise concerning the need for a new police station.
It's 16 million or nothing? Shame on you.
We live in the midwest.We get snow. NO ONE can predict what a winter will bring. Folks who order salt can only use estimates of average years. Get over it and order the additional salt. ...
can't cost 16 mil. Shame on you.
We can't get anything done because you children are more worried about making each other look foolish than what the PEOPLE need. Shame on all of you.
Is this the example of good government we are giving to our children? I KNOW they could do a better job! Shame on all of you.
I have two questions and one observation... much did it cost to film and publish this video to the YouTube web site?
Observation...Ald. DiPietro appears to "imply" that as long as there is no controversy surrounding an issue and the council agrees with the likely outcome of a referendum vote, then the council is willing to put a question on the ballot...but when an issue is highly controversial the council prefers not to know the definitive opinion of the voters. Got it. Thanks for clarifying that Rich.
Second's your conscience holding up these days, Rich?
Good recap PRU. Thanks.
What is the question Wsol wants to put on referendum?
Anon@1:11 --
We don't know the wording of Wsooolman's question. We can't wait to see what the giant brain from the 7th comes up with though!
Bean --
We don't know what the cost of filming and publishing the video to YouTube. Our guess is, the cost of the camera and the value of the time the videographer spent both filming and publishing.
Wait, you forgot when Alderman Allspaghetti said "I'm clueless..."
Anon@1:20 --
That kind of admission from Allspaghetti doesn't seem much like news, but we would have included it if our sources had reported it.
Thanks for the update!
so why did the city manager talk about soliciting in front of the library? because they KNEW the library employee was wrong in asking volunteers getting petition signatures to leave public property? hmmm?
I was there and saw the person getting signatures. it was public property.
There's a great way to resolve all these pathetic issues with the mayor--Elect Dave Schmidt!
Circus jerk us!!
Amazing how all these many people are always misquoting Howie. It must be a conspiracy! All this misquoting of Howie is so sad. People quote Howie as having told them something, then the next thing you know poor Howie is having to say he didn't say that. Poor Howie has been misquoted again! Poor Howie. Poor poor pitiful Howie.
is that the new Frimark campaign slogan?
Ah, now I see why Wsol wants to spend $16.5's not just for a police's also for "improving the public and administrative facilities at 505 Butler Pl." other words, he wants to remodel city hall too?
That's rather under-handed and dishonest Alderman slide those other remodeling projects in under the police station bonding costs...kind of like adding alley paving costs to the Public Works Service Center building bonds...
After the initial part of your question, Alderman Wsol, the rest seems to be of questionable legality for referendum language...
By the way Alderman Wsol, why are you now so eager to put a referendum question to the voters...afraid of Joe Egan's straight-forward approach? You've had 3 1/2 years on the council to ask for a referendum on this issue...and you had the chance to discuss Alderman Schmidt's proposal for a referendum, and debate the language of a referendum question all the way back on December 2, 2007...and this brain-storm of an idea just occurred to you now? Of course it didn't, Alderman just didn't think Joe Egan's effort would be as successful as it appears to be...and now you are trying to cover your political ass.
As the PRU likes to say, you're an ASSHAT, Alderman Wsol...
oooohhhh....them's fightin words!
Let me paraphrase Alderman Wsol - We're going to spend the money on the new facilities. We're going to get a mortgage. Should we avoid taxing you more after we're done?
How is this a referendum on the police station project? ???
Completely in agreement with Bean.
Wsol's actions are those of a coward. He must be a pal of Howard the Coward...
Wsol has been a dodgy hypocrite on this whole matter from the beginning. His recent letter to the editor and his inaction as to seconding Schmidt’s motion to discuss the matter are prime examples. And with him NOW coming out with this suggested referendum language he puts the icing on the cake.
And Frankie, wipe the smug look off of your puss would you? It’s really not very impressive when you behave in the manner in which you do.
Maybe I'm just dense, but I can't tell what Alderman Wsol's question is even asking.
Is he asking if we want to spend $16million dollars plus interest on a new police station with other conditions?
My answer is no.
Or is he only asking if we want conditions put on spending $16million dollars plus interest on a new police station?
If my answer is no, does that mean I don't want conditions put on the spending?
If my answer is yes, does that mean I do want to spend $16million plus interest but with conditions?
The question seems a little screwy.
Question about the wording of the wording of the new proposed referendum. As we are all aware, one of the big increases in our taxes this year was due to the passage of the extra money for the School District. In theory, that increase was to only last for a period of time (2 periods I believe) and then that percentage increase would be removed.
By basing the measurement on 2008 taxes, is it not possible that they could raise money for the police station simply not exceeding the percentage increase that went to the school?
Maybe I can help.
Wsol's plan is sleight of hand. The Public Works bond is set to be paid off forthwith. If the bond is not reissued, then obviously no tax money would be required to pay it thereby giving the taxpayers some relief or at least freeing up some money for other more pressing needs like sewers, streetlights, paving, sidwewalks, tree trimming, you name it.
However, he wants to renew the bond. Wsol is a republican, and he damn well knows that effectively renewing a tax to pay a bond that was set to expire is a tax increase, just as the republicans argued (correctly I believe) that failing to renew the Bush tax cuts would have effectively been a tax increase.
Wsol's plan represents fiscal irresponsibility, the kind that Alderman Schmidt is fighting against.
why do the SP merchants want a new parking lot?
I occasionally shop there and there's pelny of parking.
Wsol's ruling Frimark out of order was one of Wsol's trademark wink-and-nod cutesy moves that means nothing.
Wsol appears to be growing strings straight up to Frimark's fingers. And these bogus referendum questions Wsol just came up with may have finished the job.
What an insult to the taxpayers and voters of Park Ridge.
I believe the police facilities are an embarrassment to the community and probably put us at risk for a civil rights lawsuit at some point.
That being said, the leap from the current condition to the proposed is excessive. The police leadership must determine what are the needs versus the wants in the current program. They should utilize the existing city hall property and the adjacent parcel bought several years ago for any new facility.
The hidden costs of the council-proposed plan will include: consultant fees, land cost,potential site clean-up, and the much greater operational cost to the city budget. In addition, the city will most certainly want to remodel the existing police facility and expand city hall into that space.
There simply has not been adequate vetting of the project scope, nor an analysis of more reasonable alternatives. This is all I ask for. An thorough analysis and explanation.
Oh yes.....Wsol is playing games
up there and having fun - all at our expense.
The mind games coupled with the very larger than life egos have us all asking the bigger question:
Who is for who and what is really going on behind those close coffee shop doors.
The deals being cut up and down these days appear to have the twist of a magic show.
Next please spare us all the expense and time away from our board games to review, pass, reject, dump, cuss, fight each other all on your own time.
Hey hey.....holy cow....let's get two!!
Bag'em and tag'em.......arm chair quarter backs!!
Doesn't our Fire Depatrmrnt ultilize the house next door to it for administrative uses?
Anonymous at 7:33: in reference to your statement that said, "I believe the police facilities are an embarrassment to the community and probably put us at risk for a civil rights lawsuit at some point."
The reality is that Howard Frimark is an embarassment to the community and probably put us at risk for a civil rights lawsuit at some point!
Anon @8:23, I completely agree...Howie is a bigger problem than the building. I believe Wsol's question is intentionally misleading...and anyone who is even remotely familiar with the PR budget issues knows that it's impossible to do this and not raise taxes. He's pond scum, just like Howie. I can't wait for Schmidt to be elected Mayor. I only hope it happens in time to save this town. Right now we are at risk of turning into another Evanston. We don't want their tax problems!
Dave Schmidt - if you can hear me - PLEASE start getting the word out even more about your candidacy!! I cannot stay in PR under Frimark and really don't want to move :)
South of Touhy - get their vote as you shout to them with planes gooing overhead
North of Touhy - Executive Plaza thinly-veiled pocket lining for Futzmark
West of Greenwood - Did you know you would have a casino in your backyard
Everywhere - Friamrk is the PR version of Blago - make the connection!!!!!!!!
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